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Capillary interaction and self-assembly of tilted magnetic ellipsoidal particles at liquid interfaces (2018)
Journal Article
Newton, B. J., Mohammed, R., Davies, G. B., Botto, L., & Buzza, D. M. A. (2018). Capillary interaction and self-assembly of tilted magnetic ellipsoidal particles at liquid interfaces. ACS Omega, 3(11), 14962-14972.

Copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society. Magnetic ellipsoidal particles adsorbed at a liquid interface provide exciting opportunities for creating switchable functional materials, where self-assembly can be switched on and off using an external fi... Read More about Capillary interaction and self-assembly of tilted magnetic ellipsoidal particles at liquid interfaces.

Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys (2018)
Journal Article
Somerville, W. R., Stokes, J. L., Adawi, A. M., Horozov, T. S., Archer, A. J., & Buzza, D. M. (2018). Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30(40),

Two-dimensional mixtures of dipolar colloidal particles with different dipole moments exhibit extremely rich self-assembly behaviour and are relevant to a wide range of experimental systems, including charged and super-paramagnetic colloids at liquid... Read More about Density functional theory for the crystallization of two-dimensional dipolar colloidal alloys.

Amphiphile-Induced Anisotropic Colloidal Self-Assembly (2018)
Journal Article
Rey, M., Yu, T., Bley, K., Landfester, K., Buzza, D. M. A., & Vogel, N. (2018). Amphiphile-Induced Anisotropic Colloidal Self-Assembly. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 34(34), 9990-10000.

Spherical colloidal particles typically self-assemble into hexagonal lattices when adsorbed at liquid interfaces. More complex assembly structures, including particle chains and phases with square symmetry, were theoretically predicted almost two dec... Read More about Amphiphile-Induced Anisotropic Colloidal Self-Assembly.