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Outputs (861)

On the problem of network monopoly (2012)
Journal Article
McHardy, J., Reynolds, M., & Trotter, S. (2012). On the problem of network monopoly. Theory and decision, 73(2), 223-248.

We consider the problem of pricing in a network industry focussing in particular on the issue of cross-network pricing (e.g. cross-network cell phone charges). Economic theory tells us in relation to cross-network pricing that collusion or network mo... Read More about On the problem of network monopoly.

New roles for auditors and reporting accountants in UK banking supervision under the Banking Act 1987 (2012)
Journal Article
Collins, D., Dewing, I., & Russell, P. (2012). New roles for auditors and reporting accountants in UK banking supervision under the Banking Act 1987. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 25(3), 535-565.

Purpose: The paper aims to offer an exploration of the Banking Act 1987 which was passed following the failure of Johnson Matthey Bankers (JMB) in 1984. This Act extended the role of auditors in banking supervision by removing traditional confidentia... Read More about New roles for auditors and reporting accountants in UK banking supervision under the Banking Act 1987.

User acceptance and corporate intranet quality: An evaluation with iQual (2012)
Journal Article
Barnes, S. J., & Vidgen, R. (2012). User acceptance and corporate intranet quality: An evaluation with iQual. Information and Management, 49(3-4), 164-170.

We developed a model for intranet quality and acceptance; it was applied to data collected by the sales and marketing division of an international manufacturing company obtained via a Web survey (n = 131) and tested using partial least squares path m... Read More about User acceptance and corporate intranet quality: An evaluation with iQual.

The social construction of professionalism among organizers and senior organizers in a UK trade union (2012)
Journal Article
Thursfield, D. (2012). The social construction of professionalism among organizers and senior organizers in a UK trade union. Work, employment & society : a journal of the British Sociological Association, 26(1), 128-144.

This article identifies and explores the social construction of professionalism among organizers and senior organizers in the regional office of a UK trade union. The article argues that the social construction of professionalism is linked to servici... Read More about The social construction of professionalism among organizers and senior organizers in a UK trade union.

Um estudo sobre a validade de construto da Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale (CTSPC) em uma amostra populacional urbana do Nordeste Brasileiro (2011)
Journal Article
Bonfim, C., Santos, D., Menezes, I., Reichenheim, M., & Barreto, M. (2011). Um estudo sobre a validade de construto da Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale (CTSPC) em uma amostra populacional urbana do Nordeste Brasileiro. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 27(11), 2215-2226

A Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale (CTSPC) tem sido um dos instrumentos mais utilizados internacionalmente para investigação da violência doméstica contra a criança, porém o uso segmentado de suas escalas tem se mostrado inadequado devido à comple... Read More about Um estudo sobre a validade de construto da Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale (CTSPC) em uma amostra populacional urbana do Nordeste Brasileiro.

Comprometimento organizacional atitudinal: um estudo empírico sobre a dimensionalidade do construto (2011)
Journal Article
Menezes, I. G., & Bastos, A. V. B. (2011). Comprometimento organizacional atitudinal: um estudo empírico sobre a dimensionalidade do construto. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 28(4), 463-474.

A falta de precisão acerca da dimensionalidade do comprometimento organizacional contribui para torná-lo um construtocomplexo e multifacetado. Com o objetivo de identificar a melhor estrutura fatorial para o comprometiment... Read More about Comprometimento organizacional atitudinal: um estudo empírico sobre a dimensionalidade do construto.

Estudos sobre a dimensionalidade da empatia: tradução e adaptação do Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) (2011)
Journal Article
Rodrigues Sampaio, L., Rocha Bagano Guimarães, P., Pereira dos Santos Camino, C., Soares Formiga, N., & Gomes Menezes, I. (2011). Estudos sobre a dimensionalidade da empatia: tradução e adaptação do Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI). Psico, 42(1), 67-76

RESUMO Ao longo dos anos diversos métodos foram propostos para avaliar a empatia, sendo que os mais utilizados são escalas autoavaliativas. Dentre estas, destaca-se o Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) de Davis (1983), que avalia componentes cognit... Read More about Estudos sobre a dimensionalidade da empatia: tradução e adaptação do Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI).

Brain gain (drain), immigration and global network: Nepalese students in the UK (2011)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2011). Brain gain (drain), immigration and global network: Nepalese students in the UK. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 4(4), 345-365.

Nepalese students in UK are struggling to balance tuition and other expenses in the short-run and for the gainful employment in the long run. The opportunity cost of emigration in a labour surplus economy of Nepal is very little in comparison to bene... Read More about Brain gain (drain), immigration and global network: Nepalese students in the UK.

A simulation-based framework to evaluate strategies for managing global inbound supply risk (2011)
Journal Article
Colicchia, C., Dallari, F., & Melacini, M. (2011). A simulation-based framework to evaluate strategies for managing global inbound supply risk. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 14(6), 371-384.

Supply chain risk management(SCRM)has emerged as an issue of critical importance for today’s globalised supply chains. This topic still presents obstacles in practice, especially in terms of evaluating alternatives for managing risks. Therefore, the... Read More about A simulation-based framework to evaluate strategies for managing global inbound supply risk.

Value in business and industrial marketing: past, present, and future (2011)
Journal Article
Lindgreen, A., Hingley, M. K., Grant, D. B., & Morgan, R. E. (2012). Value in business and industrial marketing: past, present, and future. Industrial marketing management, 41(1), 207-214.

This article offers an overview of research on the ‘value’ that businesses and industrial marketers analyze, create, and deliver. First, value literature (up to and around 2005 and post 2005) is discussed. This review highlights the changes in our no... Read More about Value in business and industrial marketing: past, present, and future.

Inequality, corruption and the informal sector (2011)
Journal Article
Dobson, S., & Ramlogan-Dobson, C. (2012). Inequality, corruption and the informal sector. Economics letters, 115(1), 104-107.

The marginal impact of corruption on income inequality is shown to be a linear function of the size of the informal sector. This implies that anti-corruption policies alone are unlikely to reduce inequality in countries with a large informal sector.... Read More about Inequality, corruption and the informal sector.

Different cultures, different values: The role of cultural variation in public’s WTP for marine species conservation (2011)
Journal Article
Ressurreição, A., Gibbons, J., Kaiser, M., Dentinho, T. P., Zarzycki, T., Bentley, C., Austen, M., Burdon, D., Atkins, J., Santos, R. S., & Edwards-Jones, G. (2012). Different cultures, different values: The role of cultural variation in public’s WTP for marine species conservation. Biological Conservation, 145(1), 148-159.

Understanding the cultural variation in public preference for marine species is a necessary pre-requisite if conservation objectives are to include societal preferences in addition to scientific considerations. We report the results of a contingent s... Read More about Different cultures, different values: The role of cultural variation in public’s WTP for marine species conservation.

A self-adaptive case-based reasoning system for dose planning in prostate cancer radiotherapy (2011)
Journal Article
Mishra, N., Petrovic, S., & Sundar, S. (2011). A self-adaptive case-based reasoning system for dose planning in prostate cancer radiotherapy. Medical physics, 38(12), 6528-6538.

Purpose: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the male population. Radiotherapy is often used in the treatment for prostate cancer. In radiotherapy treatment, the oncologist makes a trade-off between the risk and benefit of the radiation, i.e... Read More about A self-adaptive case-based reasoning system for dose planning in prostate cancer radiotherapy.

Board task-related faultlines and firm performance: A decade of evidence (2011)
Journal Article
Kaczmarek, S., Kimino, S., & Pye, A. (2012). Board task-related faultlines and firm performance: A decade of evidence. Corporate governance, 20(4), 337-351.

Manuscript Type: Empirical

Research Question/Issue: To what extent can group faultlines and their potential value‐destroying effects be detected on corporate boards? Task‐related attributes of the type of directorship, education, board tenure, and... Read More about Board task-related faultlines and firm performance: A decade of evidence.

A CBFSA approach to resolve the distributed manufacturing process planning problem in a supply chain environment (2011)
Journal Article
Mishra, N., Kumar, V., Chan, F. T., & Tiwari, M. K. (2012). A CBFSA approach to resolve the distributed manufacturing process planning problem in a supply chain environment. International Journal of Production Research, 50(2), 535-550.

In this competitive world cost and lead time reduction are of prime concern for manufacturing firms. To achieve this objective manufacturing entities are adopting several management philosophies such as Total Quality Management (TQM), just-in-time (J... Read More about A CBFSA approach to resolve the distributed manufacturing process planning problem in a supply chain environment.

What are the costs and benefits of biodiversity recovery in a highly polluted estuary? (2011)
Journal Article
Pascual, M., Borja, A., Franco, J., Burdon, D., Atkins, J. P., & Elliott, M. (2012). What are the costs and benefits of biodiversity recovery in a highly polluted estuary?. Water Research, 46(1), 205-217.

Biodiversity recovery measures have often been ignored when dealing with the restoration of degraded aquatic systems. Furthermore, biological valuation methods have been applied only spatially in previous studies, and not jointly on a temporal and sp... Read More about What are the costs and benefits of biodiversity recovery in a highly polluted estuary?.

Banging on open doors? Stakeholder dialogue and the challenge of business engagement for UK NGOs (2011)
Journal Article
Burchell, J., & Cook, J. (2011). Banging on open doors? Stakeholder dialogue and the challenge of business engagement for UK NGOs. Environmental Politics, 20(6), 918-937.

In recent years, increased pressure from civil society and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has heightened the need for companies to engage with their critics. As the notion of corporate social responsibility has come to the fore in the business... Read More about Banging on open doors? Stakeholder dialogue and the challenge of business engagement for UK NGOs.

Impact of exchange rate and money supply on growth, inflation and interest rates in the UK (2011)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2011). Impact of exchange rate and money supply on growth, inflation and interest rates in the UK. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 4(4), 355-371.

Growth rates, inflation and interest rates are determined simultaneously in the UK. Depreciations of Sterling pounds contribute to the growth by enhancing international competitiveness. Inflation from the growth of money, depreciation of Sterling and... Read More about Impact of exchange rate and money supply on growth, inflation and interest rates in the UK.