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Outputs (861)

General equilibrium impacts of monetary and fiscal policies on welfare of households in South Asia (2011)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2011). General equilibrium impacts of monetary and fiscal policies on welfare of households in South Asia. Review of development economics, 15(4), 745-757.

Impacts of fiscal and monetary policies are assessed in an open economy two sector multi-household general equilibrium tax model with money for South Asia. Despite impressive growth rates there is evidence for alarming gaps in the distribution of inc... Read More about General equilibrium impacts of monetary and fiscal policies on welfare of households in South Asia.

Cognitive Skills, Openness and Growth (2011)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K., & Basu, P. (2012). Cognitive Skills, Openness and Growth. Economic Record, 88(280), 18-38.

A significant positive relationship exists between the ratios of trade and educational spending to gross domestic product, implying that countries which are more open on the trade front also spend more on education. An open economy endogenous growth... Read More about Cognitive Skills, Openness and Growth.

Accession 8 migration and the proactive and defensive engagement of social citizenship (2011)
Journal Article
Cook, J., Dwyer, P., & Waite, L. (2012). Accession 8 migration and the proactive and defensive engagement of social citizenship. Journal of Social Policy, 41(2), 329-347.

Following the expansion of the European Union in 2004 unprecedented numbers of Accession 8 migrants from Central and Eastern Europe entered the UK. These migrants are often concentrated in particular urban neighbourhoods, which are already routinely... Read More about Accession 8 migration and the proactive and defensive engagement of social citizenship.

Explaining young mortality (2011)
Journal Article
O'Hare, C., O’Hare, C., & Li, Y. (2012). Explaining young mortality. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 50(1), 12-25.

Stochastic modeling of mortality rates focuses on fitting linear models to logarithmically adjusted mortality data from the middle or late ages. Whilst this modeling enables insurers to project mortality rates and hence price mortality products it do... Read More about Explaining young mortality.

Managing the marine environment: is the DPSIR framework holistic enough? (2011)
Journal Article
Atkins, J. P., Gregory, A. J., Burdon, D., & Elliott, M. (2011). Managing the marine environment: is the DPSIR framework holistic enough?. Systems research and behavioral science, 28(5), 497-508.

Ever increasing and diverse use of the marine environment and consequent impacts on marine life, habitats and landscapes make prominent the need for policy and policy-making procedures that promote resilience and sustainability. In this paper, we foc... Read More about Managing the marine environment: is the DPSIR framework holistic enough?.

A new framework for viewing the philosophy, principles and practice of systems science (2011)
Journal Article
Wilby, J. (2011). A new framework for viewing the philosophy, principles and practice of systems science. Systems research and behavioral science, 28(5), 437-442.

In this essay, a new framework for viewing the philosophy, principles and practice of systems science is proposed for furthering research and practice into transdisciplinary forms of intervention. This new framework reveals the effect of the interact... Read More about A new framework for viewing the philosophy, principles and practice of systems science.

Management science methodologies in environmental management and sustainability: discourses and applications (2011)
Journal Article
Paucar-Caceres, A., & Espinosa, A. (2011). Management science methodologies in environmental management and sustainability: discourses and applications. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(9), 1601-1620.

This paper investigates and discusses the use of systemic methodologies (SMs) developed in management science/operational research (MS/OR), in particular, those SM that have been informing the complexity inherent in environmental management and susta... Read More about Management science methodologies in environmental management and sustainability: discourses and applications.

A multi-agent architecture for reverse logistics in a green supply chain (2011)
Journal Article
Mishra, N., Kumar, V., & Chan, F. T. (2012). A multi-agent architecture for reverse logistics in a green supply chain. International Journal of Production Research, 50(9), 2396-2406.

Green supply chain issues have attracted a lot of attention in recent years with growing awareness of environmental concerns. This has drawn the considerable world-wide attention of academics and practitioners. Therefore, recycling has now become an... Read More about A multi-agent architecture for reverse logistics in a green supply chain.

Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents (2011)
Journal Article
Power, J. L., Brotheridge, C. M., Blenkinsopp, J., Bowes-Sperry, L., Bozionelos, N., Buzády, Z., Chuang, A., Drnevich, D., Garzon-Vico, A., Leighton, C., Madero, S. M., Mak, W.-M., Mathew, R., Monserrat, S. I., Mujtaba, B. G., Olivas-Lujan, M. R., Polycroniou, P., Sprigg, C. A., Axtell, C., Holman, D., …Nnedumm, A. U. O. (2013). Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents. Journal of business research, 66(3), 374-380.

This paper is the first to explore the impact of culture on the acceptability of workplace bullying and to do so across a wide range of countries. Physically intimidating bullying is less acceptable than work related bullying both within groups of si... Read More about Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents.

Applying an integrated logistics network design and optimisation model: the Pirelli Tyre case (2011)
Journal Article
Creazza, A., Dallari, F., & Rossi, T. (2012). Applying an integrated logistics network design and optimisation model: the Pirelli Tyre case. International Journal of Production Research, 50(11), 3021-3038.

The aim of the present paper is to provide an application to a real-life supply-chain context (i.e. the Pirelli Tyre European logistics network) of an integrated logistics network design and optimisation model. Starting from the analysis of supply ch... Read More about Applying an integrated logistics network design and optimisation model: the Pirelli Tyre case.

Safety cameras and road accidents: effectiveness in local authority areas in England (2011)
Journal Article
Hindle, G. A., & Hindle, T. (2011). Safety cameras and road accidents: effectiveness in local authority areas in England. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(7), 1181-1188.

Safety cameras have been central to strategy for improving road safety in the UK (and other countries) over the past decade and a National Safety Camera (NSC) programme was introduced in the year 2000 to fund and guide the expansion of camera sites.... Read More about Safety cameras and road accidents: effectiveness in local authority areas in England.

Is corruption really bad for inequality? Evidence from Latin America (2011)
Journal Article
Andres, A. R., & Ramlogan-Dobson, C. (2011). Is corruption really bad for inequality? Evidence from Latin America. Journal of Development Studies, 47(7), 959-976.

This article presents new evidence on the relationship between corruption and income inequality. Using a panel data methodology, we find that lower corruption is associated with higher income inequality in Latin America. This result is in contrast to... Read More about Is corruption really bad for inequality? Evidence from Latin America.

Explaining the variation in household recycling rates across the UK (2011)
Journal Article
Abbott, A., Nandeibam, S., & O'Shea, L. (2011). Explaining the variation in household recycling rates across the UK. Ecological economics : the journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics, 70(11), 2214-2223.

Household waste recycling rates vary significantly both across and within regions of the UK. This paper attempts to explain the variation by using a new data set of waste recycling rates and policy determinants for all of the UK's 434 local authoriti... Read More about Explaining the variation in household recycling rates across the UK.

Emergent disaster response during the June 2007 floods in Kingston upon Hull, UK (2011)
Journal Article
Neal, R., Bell, S., & Wilby, J. (2011). Emergent disaster response during the June 2007 floods in Kingston upon Hull, UK. Journal of flood risk management, 4(3), 260-269.

There is a growing body of research that suggests much of the behaviour that occurs during a disaster response effort is emergent, meaning it is produced as a result of complex non-linear factors at work both within and between the affected communiti... Read More about Emergent disaster response during the June 2007 floods in Kingston upon Hull, UK.

The scholarly influence of Heinz Klein: Ideational and social measures of his impact on IS research and IS scholars (2011)
Journal Article
Truex, D., Cuellar, M., Takeda, H., & Vidgen, R. (2011). The scholarly influence of Heinz Klein: Ideational and social measures of his impact on IS research and IS scholars. European Journal of Information Systems, 20(4), 422-439.

Heinz Klein was a fine scholar and mentor whose work and life have inspired us to explore the notion of scholarly influence which we cast as ideational and social influence. We adopt a portfolio of measures approach, using the Hirsch family of statis... Read More about The scholarly influence of Heinz Klein: Ideational and social measures of his impact on IS research and IS scholars.

Procyclical government spending: patterns of pressure and prudence in the OECD (2011)
Journal Article
Abbott, A., & Jones, P. (2011). Procyclical government spending: patterns of pressure and prudence in the OECD. Economics letters, 111(3), 230-232.

This paper tests for differences in the cyclicality of government spending across functional categories. Evidence from 20 OECD countries suggests that procyclicality is more likely in smaller functional budgets, but capital spending is more likely to... Read More about Procyclical government spending: patterns of pressure and prudence in the OECD.

Antecedents for the adoption and execution of supply chain management (2011)
Journal Article
Kotzab, H., Teller, C., Grant, D. B., & Sparks, L. (2011). Antecedents for the adoption and execution of supply chain management. Supply chain management, 16(4), 231-245.

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual model that includes drivers of supply chain management (SCM) adoption and execution identified in the literature, provide a set of measurement scales that operationalise constructs within... Read More about Antecedents for the adoption and execution of supply chain management.

Role of cognitive styles in business and management : reviewing 40 Years of Research (2011)
Journal Article
Armstrong, S. J., Cools, E., & Sadler-Smith, E. (2012). Role of cognitive styles in business and management : reviewing 40 Years of Research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14(3), 238-262.

In line with increased attention on the application of cognitive approaches to industrial, work and organizational psychology, the last 40 years have witnessed a growing interest in application of the cognitive style construct to the field of busines... Read More about Role of cognitive styles in business and management : reviewing 40 Years of Research.

Corporate aggregate disclosure practices in Jordan (2011)
Journal Article
Omar, B., & Simon, J. (2011). Corporate aggregate disclosure practices in Jordan. Advances in Accounting, 27(1), 166-186.

This study reports the results of an empirical investigation of the disclosure behavior of listed companies in Jordan after important changes in economic and accounting regulations. It also reports the relationship between aggregate disclosure (both... Read More about Corporate aggregate disclosure practices in Jordan.