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Outputs (10)

“Mortal hostility”: Masculinity and fatherly conflict in the Glass Town and Angrian sagas (2017)
Book Chapter
Sanders, V., & Butcher, E. (2017). “Mortal hostility”: Masculinity and fatherly conflict in the Glass Town and Angrian sagas. In J. E. Pike, & L. Morrison (Eds.), Charlotte Brontë from the Beginnings: New Essays from the Juvenilia to the Major Works (59-71). Routledge.

Opening paragraph:
The above extract from the second part of Charlotte Brontë’s story “The Enfant,” which first appeared in Blackwood’s Young Men’s Magazine for June 1829, is a rare example in the juvenilia of the raw instinctive emotions of fatherho... Read More about “Mortal hostility”: Masculinity and fatherly conflict in the Glass Town and Angrian sagas.

Depravity, abuse and homoerotic desire in Billy Budd and the 'Prussian officer' (2017)
Journal Article
Jones, B. (in press). Depravity, abuse and homoerotic desire in Billy Budd and the 'Prussian officer'. Journal of D. H. Lawrence Studies, 4(2), 47-72

In their resonant and evocative stories – Billy Budd, Sailor and ‘The Prussian Officer’ – Herman Melville and D. H. Lawrence adopt military settings for a personal drama. In both tales, two men come into close and dangerous proximity, resulting ultim... Read More about Depravity, abuse and homoerotic desire in Billy Budd and the 'Prussian officer'.

Tasso's art and afterlives: the 'Gerusalemme liberata' in England (2017)
Lawrence, J. (2017). Tasso's art and afterlives: the 'Gerusalemme liberata' in England. Manchester University Press

This interdisciplinary book examines the literary, artistic and biographical afterlives in England of the great Italian poet Torquato Tasso, from before his death in 1595 to the end of the nineteenth century. Focusing predominantly on the impact of h... Read More about Tasso's art and afterlives: the 'Gerusalemme liberata' in England.

A Syon Scribe Revealed by Her Signature: Mary Nevel and Her Manuscripts (2017)
Journal Article
O'Mara, V. (2017). A Syon Scribe Revealed by Her Signature: Mary Nevel and Her Manuscripts. Konferenser / Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademien, 93, Continuity and change: Papers from the Birgitta Conference at Dartington 2015, editors Elin Andersson, Claes Gejrot, E. A. Jones, and Mia Åkestam. ISBN: 978-91-7402-449-4, 283-308

End Notes (2017)
French, R., McKay, K., Chard, S., Sutter, M., Lavery, B., McCrory, M., Dearden, S., Wheatley, D., & Hautala, T. (2017). R. French, & K. McKay (Eds.). End Notes. Edge Publishing

A collection of stories by 8 writers, End Notes tackles with compassion, insight and humour changes in the way we view dying, death and bereavement and how best to mourn and commemorate those we love. This Arts & Humanities Research Council funded eb... Read More about End Notes.

Lilian Bilocca (Vignette) (2017)
Book Chapter
Lavery, B. (2017). Lilian Bilocca (Vignette). In D. Atkinson, B. McDonagh, S. McKeon, E. Salter, & D. Starkey (Eds.), Hull: Culture, History, Place. Liverpool University Press