Trauma, Primitivism and the First World War UK Nomination for Canada's Pierre Savard Award
Dec 12, 2023
Pierre Savard Awards
Pierre Savard (1936-1998), well-known historian, Professor and Canadianist, contributed greatly to the development of Canadian Studies. He was President of the ICCS from 1983 to 1985.
1) Book written in French or English
Application Rules
Eligibility Requirements
2) Book written in a language other than French or English
Application Rules
Eligibility Requirements
Deadline and Contact Person
The Pierre Savard Awards are designed to recognize and promote outstanding scholarly monographs on a Canadian topic. The awards form part of a strategy that is aimed at promoting, especially throughout the Canadian academic community, works that have been written by members of the Canadian Studies international network. The awards are intended to designate exceptional books that contribute to excellent scholarship in Canadian Studies and may be given only once to the same person. There are two categories:
1) Book written in French or English;
2) Book written in a language other than French or English.
Treatied Spaces Awarded Leverhulme Visiting Professorship for Canada Research Chair Damien Lee
Feb 29, 2024
The Treatied Spaces Research Group welcomes Canada Research Chair Damien Lee as a Leverhulme Visiting Research Professor for 10 months from June 2024. A member of the Fort William First Nation and citizen of the Anishinaabe nation, Professor Lee is a global expert on Indigenous political and legal orders. Whilst with TSRG, he will be completing his next book "Wiitkamaganak: Adoption and the Resurgence of Anishinaable Citizenship Law" (UoT Press) and developing joint plans for a yet larger project, "A First Indigenous History of North American Adoption" that reconceptualises North American history using the lens of Indigenous and settler-Indigenous adoption.
Why was Beverley a haven for criminals?
Nov 25, 2024
Hidden East Yorkshire
Why was Beverley a haven for criminals? is a programme within the Hidden East Yorkshire series. It explores crime and justice in medieval Beverley. It engages with the exhibition on Sanctuary at Beverley Minster. This is a Radio Humberside programme and it is available on BBC Sounds.