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Outputs (616)

The post-liberal climate and the Tory faith (2024)
Book Chapter
Fear, C. (2024). The post-liberal climate and the Tory faith. In D. Pitt, & P. Blond (Eds.), The Post-liberal Turn and The Future of British Conservatism (61-76). Ludovika University Press

Freedom From Religion: Multiculturalism and the Rights of Women and Children (2024)
Book Chapter
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2024). Freedom From Religion: Multiculturalism and the Rights of Women and Children. In M. J. H. Bhuiyan, & A. Black (Eds.), Religious Freedom and Accommodating Religious Diversity: Challenges and Responses (20-39). Routledge.

This chapter examines the limits of state interference in proscribing cultural norms by considering the right of people to leave their community free of penalties and practices that deny education to vulnerable populations, particularly women and chi... Read More about Freedom From Religion: Multiculturalism and the Rights of Women and Children.

Multicultural conversations: The nature and future of culture, identity and nationalism (2024)
Journal Article
Modood, T., Parekh, B., Tyler, C., Uberoi, V., & Connelly, J. (online). Multicultural conversations: The nature and future of culture, identity and nationalism. Ethnicities,

Despite well-known criticism of multiculturalism in Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Australia, India and elsewhere since 9/11, such policies have proliferated (Banting and Kymlicka, 2013; Mathieu, 2018) and the Canadian and Australian poli... Read More about Multicultural conversations: The nature and future of culture, identity and nationalism.

British idealist engagements with Mazzinianism, 1858 to 1929 (2024)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (online). British idealist engagements with Mazzinianism, 1858 to 1929. Journal of political ideologies,

This article contributes to the scholarship on Giuseppe Mazzini’s impact on British radicalism, through an analysis of British idealist engagements with his life and writings between 1858 and 1929. Section one introduces the topic. Section two sketch... Read More about British idealist engagements with Mazzinianism, 1858 to 1929.

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Impact of Party Organisation in Legislatures (2024)
Journal Article
Lord Norton of Louth, P. (2024). Hidden in Plain Sight: The Impact of Party Organisation in Legislatures. Journal of international and comparative law, 11(1), 103-120

Legislators operate in different spaces within a legislative estate. The public and scholarly focus is on behaviour in formal space – the chamber and committee rooms, where formal decisions are taken – but the utilization of informal and party (and... Read More about Hidden in Plain Sight: The Impact of Party Organisation in Legislatures.

Institutional challenges, the middle-income trap, and the pursuit of global economic integration in Latin America (2024)
Book Chapter
Doctor, M. (2024). Institutional challenges, the middle-income trap, and the pursuit of global economic integration in Latin America. In E. Amann, & P. N. Figueiredo (Eds.), Innovation, Competitiveness and Development in Latin America: Lessons from the Past and Perspectives for the Future (21-43). Oxford University Press.

The main puzzle that this chapter sheds light on is how and why institutions have posed an obstacle to implementing policies that support innovation and competitive integration of Latin America into the global economy? It presents an overview of the... Read More about Institutional challenges, the middle-income trap, and the pursuit of global economic integration in Latin America.

The politics and policies of climate change in Brazil: mapping out the field (2024)
Journal Article
Milani, C., & Doctor, M. (2024). The politics and policies of climate change in Brazil: mapping out the field. Brazilian Political Science Review, 17(3), Article e-0008.

First paragraph:
Increasing global warming, health pandemics, accelerated losses of biodiversity, growing deforestation rates, frequent and non-anticipated climate events such as off-the-scale floods, longer droughts, storms, typhons and cyclones in... Read More about The politics and policies of climate change in Brazil: mapping out the field.

Taming ‘Black Swans’: A Schmittian Perspective on State-led Crisis Management (2024)
Jones, M. Taming ‘Black Swans’: A Schmittian Perspective on State-led Crisis Management. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Using a design-thinking approach to state-led crisis management, this thesis seeks to resolve the contemporary problem of Black Swans; that is, crises that are unprecedented, unexpected, unpredictable, and uncertain.
Due to their nature and composit... Read More about Taming ‘Black Swans’: A Schmittian Perspective on State-led Crisis Management.

Why the beliefs of parliamentarians matter: an interpretive approach to legislative studies (2024)
Journal Article
Beech, M., & Bevir, M. (2024). Why the beliefs of parliamentarians matter: an interpretive approach to legislative studies. Journal of Legislative Studies, 30(2), 136-147.

In this article, we argue, following the interpretive approach, that parliamentarians’ beliefs, and the intellectual traditions on which they draw matter. Parliamentary behaviour and legislative practice is the contingent product of the historically... Read More about Why the beliefs of parliamentarians matter: an interpretive approach to legislative studies.

Interpreting UK legislatures: an introduction (2024)
Journal Article
Beech, M., & Bevir, M. (2024). Interpreting UK legislatures: an introduction. Journal of Legislative Studies, 30(2), 129-135.

The purpose of this special issue of the Journal of Legislative Studies is to explain and understand the era of profound change that has affected, and continues to impact, UK legislatures. This is an era of special change, wrought by the phenomena of... Read More about Interpreting UK legislatures: an introduction.