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Outputs (573)

Apparent statistical inference in crows may reflect simple reinforcement learning (2024)
Journal Article
George, D. N., Dwyer, D. M., Haselgrove, M., & Le Pelley, M. E. (online). Apparent statistical inference in crows may reflect simple reinforcement learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,

Johnston et al. report results which they argue demonstrate that crows engage in statistical inference during decision-making. They trained two crows to associate a set of stimuli with different reward probabilities (from 10% to 90%) before choice te... Read More about Apparent statistical inference in crows may reflect simple reinforcement learning.

Degrees of Distress: the impact of university life on the wellbeing of undergraduate students; A mixed methods exploration (2024)
Robson, K. (2024). Degrees of Distress: the impact of university life on the wellbeing of undergraduate students; A mixed methods exploration. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Today's university students are pivotal to the future of our societies, professions, and families, making their psychological wellbeing a significant public health concern attracting interest from researchers and policy makers alike. The sociodemogra... Read More about Degrees of Distress: the impact of university life on the wellbeing of undergraduate students; A mixed methods exploration.

Understanding the Phenomenological Experience of Schema Therapy in eating disorders (2024)
Cunningham, A. Understanding the Phenomenological Experience of Schema Therapy in eating disorders. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Introduction: This research investigated the experiences of schema therapy of those with an eating disorder and schema therapists treating eating disorders. Three studies used semi-structured online interviews. Two explored clients’ experiences longi... Read More about Understanding the Phenomenological Experience of Schema Therapy in eating disorders.

Increasing the immersivity of 360° videos facilitates learning and memory: implications for theory and practice (2024)
Journal Article
Peney, T., & Skarratt, P. A. (2024). Increasing the immersivity of 360° videos facilitates learning and memory: implications for theory and practice. Educational Technology Research and Development,

Recent years have seen an increase in the use of immersive virtual reality (IVR) technology in education and training. Studies examining the efficacy of IVR-based interventions have shown improved performance compared to traditional training programm... Read More about Increasing the immersivity of 360° videos facilitates learning and memory: implications for theory and practice.

Communicating information about the psychology of a wild carnivore, the red fox, influences perceived attitudinal changes but not overall tolerance in people (2024)
Journal Article
Morton, F. B., Henri, D., Adaway, K., Adaway, K. A., Soulsbury, C., Soulsbury, C. D., & Hopkins, C. R. (2024). Communicating information about the psychology of a wild carnivore, the red fox, influences perceived attitudinal changes but not overall tolerance in people. Biological Conservation, 296, Article 110653.

Studies on wild animal psychology are growing in popularity due to the important role they play in understanding how wildlife is responding to human-driven environmental changes. However, communicating psychological information to the general public... Read More about Communicating information about the psychology of a wild carnivore, the red fox, influences perceived attitudinal changes but not overall tolerance in people.

Differentiating anticipated and anticipatory emotions and their sensitivity to depressive symptoms (2024)
Journal Article
Clayton McClure, J. H., Riggs, K. J., Dewhurst, S. A., & Anderson, R. J. (online). Differentiating anticipated and anticipatory emotions and their sensitivity to depressive symptoms. Emotion,

Anticipated emotions are the feelings one expects if a hypothetical future event were to occur, whereas anticipatory emotions are those one experiences right now while imagining the event. There has been little direct comparison of these two forms of... Read More about Differentiating anticipated and anticipatory emotions and their sensitivity to depressive symptoms.

Absence of Differential Protection From Extinction in Human Causal Learning (2024)
Journal Article
George, D., Haddon, J., & Griffiths, O. (2024). Absence of Differential Protection From Extinction in Human Causal Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition,

Elemental models of associative learning typically employ a common prediction-error term. Following a conditioning trial, they predict that the change in the strength of an association between a cue and an outcome is dependent upon how well the outco... Read More about Absence of Differential Protection From Extinction in Human Causal Learning.

It's all about perspective: an examination of spontaneous and implicit/explicit visual perspective-taking in Turner syndrome (2024)
Thompson, T. It's all about perspective: an examination of spontaneous and implicit/explicit visual perspective-taking in Turner syndrome. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The ability to take another person’s perspective is a fundamental aspect of social cognition and an important contributor to social interaction. In this online research study, we explored potential differences in visual perspective-taking between adu... Read More about It's all about perspective: an examination of spontaneous and implicit/explicit visual perspective-taking in Turner syndrome.

The implicit power of positive thinking: The effect of positive episodic simulation on implicit future expectancies (2024)
Journal Article
Anderson, R. J., Clayton McClure, J. H., Bishop, E., Howe, D., Riggs, K. J., & Dewhurst, S. A. (2024). The implicit power of positive thinking: The effect of positive episodic simulation on implicit future expectancies. PLoS ONE, 19(4 April), Article e0298817.

Previous research demonstrating that positive episodic simulation enhances future expectancies has relied on explicit expectancy measures. The current study investigated the effects of episodic simulation on implicit expectancies. Using the Future Th... Read More about The implicit power of positive thinking: The effect of positive episodic simulation on implicit future expectancies.

Test performance in optional shift and configural acquired-equivalence are positively correlated (2024)
Journal Article
Bru Garcia, S., George, D. N., & Robinson, J. (2024). Test performance in optional shift and configural acquired-equivalence are positively correlated. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 50(4), 235–246.

In two experiments, participants completed two computer-based tasks: a configural acquired equivalence procedure and an optional-shift procedure. Both revealed that test performance was positively correlated, even when controlling for nonspecific var... Read More about Test performance in optional shift and configural acquired-equivalence are positively correlated.