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Development and psychometric properties of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) (2013)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. J., & Martin, C. R. (2014). Development and psychometric properties of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R). Midwifery, 30(6), 610-619.

Objective: to assess factor structure, validity and reliability of the Birth Satisfaction Scale (BSS) and to develop a short-form version of the tool. Design: a quantitative design focused on evaluating psychometric properties of the BSS using factor... Read More about Development and psychometric properties of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R).

Review of the integrity of a Self Administered Motivational Instrument (2013)
Journal Article
Duffy, T., McCaig, M., McGrandles, A., Rimmer, R., & Martin, C. R. (2014). Review of the integrity of a Self Administered Motivational Instrument. Nurse education today, 34(4), 625-630.

Motivational interviewing (MI) was developed by Miller and Rollnick as an evidence-based counselling approach for use in supporting people with alcohol problems. Over the years the principles and spirit of MI have been reviewed and fine-tu... Read More about Review of the integrity of a Self Administered Motivational Instrument.

An evaluative survey to assess the effectiveness of using an interactive workbook to deliver bereavement education to undergraduate student midwives (2013)
Journal Article
Hollins Martin, C. J., Forrest, E., Wylie, L., & Martin, C. R. (2014). An evaluative survey to assess the effectiveness of using an interactive workbook to deliver bereavement education to undergraduate student midwives. Midwifery, 30(8), 942-948.

Background: the NMSF (2009) reported that 74 Trusts (40%) in the UK lack expertise in delivering maternity based bereavement care. In response, three midwifery lecturers were issued with a small grant from NHS Scotland to devise and evaluate an inter... Read More about An evaluative survey to assess the effectiveness of using an interactive workbook to deliver bereavement education to undergraduate student midwives.

The need for Experience Focused Counselling (EFC) with voice hearers in training and practice: A review of the literature (2013)
Journal Article
Schnackenberg, J. K., & Martin, C. R. (2014). The need for Experience Focused Counselling (EFC) with voice hearers in training and practice: A review of the literature. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 21(5), 391-402.

A pathologizing paradigm to making sense of experiences such as hearing voices and schizophrenia remains dominant within mental health service provision. However, a real biological basis to the aetiology of hearing voices, and similar phenomena remai... Read More about The need for Experience Focused Counselling (EFC) with voice hearers in training and practice: A review of the literature.

A comparison of the quality of life of vulnerable young males with severe emotional and behaviour difficulties in a residential setting and young males in mainstream schooling: QoL of vulnerable young males (2013)
Journal Article
Carroll, D., Duffy, T., & Martin, C. R. (2014). A comparison of the quality of life of vulnerable young males with severe emotional and behaviour difficulties in a residential setting and young males in mainstream schooling: QoL of vulnerable young males. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 21(1), 23-30.

Accessible summary: The findings from this study reveal that the notion of anticipated and deleterious differences in quality of life (QoL) between children with severe emotional and behavioural problems and those without such difficulties is not sup... Read More about A comparison of the quality of life of vulnerable young males with severe emotional and behaviour difficulties in a residential setting and young males in mainstream schooling: QoL of vulnerable young males.