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Improving Digital Inclusion Through Training (2018)
Cunnah, K., Dunn, R., Howe, D., Platt, R., Thorpe, J., Paulson, K., & Wolverson, E. (2018). Improving Digital Inclusion Through Training

This guide is for anyone who is seeking information on the introduction of technical devices to people with dementia or cognitive impairment (referred to collectively in this report as PwD) and their carers. This might include social care professiona... Read More about Improving Digital Inclusion Through Training.

Intensive Interaction and discourses of personhood: A focus group study with dementia caregivers (2018)
Journal Article
Heap, C. . J., & Wolverson, E. (2020). Intensive Interaction and discourses of personhood: A focus group study with dementia caregivers. Dementia, 9(6), 2018-2037.

Introduction: Societal discourses of dementia are medicalised and dehumanising. This leads to a social problem: the loss of personhood in dementia care. The communication technique Intensive Interaction, however, honours personhood. The current study... Read More about Intensive Interaction and discourses of personhood: A focus group study with dementia caregivers.

A qualitative study of the shared experience of humour between people living with dementia and their partners (2018)
Journal Article
Hickman, H., Clarke, C., & Wolverson, E. (in press). A qualitative study of the shared experience of humour between people living with dementia and their partners. Dementia,

Humour is a complex social and emotional experience which could constitute a positive resource for people endeavouring to live well with dementia. However, little is currently known about the shared use and value of humour in dyads where one person h... Read More about A qualitative study of the shared experience of humour between people living with dementia and their partners.

A web-based platform for people with memory problems and their caregivers (CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD): Mixed-methods evaluation of usability (2018)
Journal Article
Zafeiridi, P., Paulson, K., Dunn, R., Wolverson, E., White, C., Thorpe, J. A., Antomarini, M., Cesaroni, F., Scocchera, F., Landrin-Dutot, I., Malherbe, L., Lingiah, H., Bérard, M., Gironès, X., Quintana, M., Cortés, U., Barrué, C., Cortés, A., Paliokas, I., Votis, K., & Tzovaras, D. (2018). A web-based platform for people with memory problems and their caregivers (CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD): Mixed-methods evaluation of usability. JMIR Formative Research, 2(1), Article e4.

Background: The increasing number of people with dementia (PwD) drives research exploring Web-based support interventions to provide effective care for larger populations. In this concept, a Web-based platform (CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD, 620911) was designed... Read More about A web-based platform for people with memory problems and their caregivers (CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD): Mixed-methods evaluation of usability.