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Outputs (20)

Improving Digital Inclusion Through Training (2018)
Cunnah, K., Dunn, R., Howe, D., Platt, R., Thorpe, J., Paulson, K., & Wolverson, E. (2018). Improving Digital Inclusion Through Training

This guide is for anyone who is seeking information on the introduction of technical devices to people with dementia or cognitive impairment (referred to collectively in this report as PwD) and their carers. This might include social care professiona... Read More about Improving Digital Inclusion Through Training.

Translation and linguistic validation of the German Challenging Behaviour Scale for formal caregivers of people with dementia in nursing homes (2018)
Journal Article
Köller, L., Holle, D., Köller, L., Moniz-Cook, E., & Halek, M. (2018). Translation and linguistic validation of the German Challenging Behaviour Scale for formal caregivers of people with dementia in nursing homes. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 26(3), 544-565.

© 2018 Springer Publishing Company. Background and Purpose: The Challenging Behavior Scale (CBS) measures the behavior of individuals with dementia. The study aims to translate the English CBS into German (CBS-G) and test its linguistic validity. Met... Read More about Translation and linguistic validation of the German Challenging Behaviour Scale for formal caregivers of people with dementia in nursing homes.

Using meta-ethnography to synthesise relevant studies : Capturing the bigger picture in dementia with challenging behaviour within families (2018)
Digital Artefact
Feast, A., Orrell, M., Charlesworth, G., Poland, F., Featherstone, K., Melunsky, N., & Moniz-Cook, E. (2018). Using meta-ethnography to synthesise relevant studies : Capturing the bigger picture in dementia with challenging behaviour within families. [HTML]

Abstract In understanding the range and depth of people’s experiences it is important to include the wide range of approaches which capture the richness within a given knowledge base. However, systematic reviews using quantitative data alone risk mis... Read More about Using meta-ethnography to synthesise relevant studies : Capturing the bigger picture in dementia with challenging behaviour within families.

Intensive Interaction and discourses of personhood: A focus group study with dementia caregivers (2018)
Journal Article
Heap, C. . J., & Wolverson, E. (2020). Intensive Interaction and discourses of personhood: A focus group study with dementia caregivers. Dementia, 9(6), 2018-2037.

Introduction: Societal discourses of dementia are medicalised and dehumanising. This leads to a social problem: the loss of personhood in dementia care. The communication technique Intensive Interaction, however, honours personhood. The current study... Read More about Intensive Interaction and discourses of personhood: A focus group study with dementia caregivers.

Promoting independence in dementia: protocol for a feasibility trial of the PRIDE intervention for living well with dementia (2018)
Journal Article
Csipke, E., Yates, L., Cook, E. M., Leung, P., Charlesworth, G., Walton, H., Birt, L., & Orrell, M. (2018). Promoting independence in dementia: protocol for a feasibility trial of the PRIDE intervention for living well with dementia. International Journal of Clinical Trials, 5(4), 177-185.

INTRODUCTION In the UK over 800,000 older people have dementia, which can lead to social exclusion, loss of identity and independence due to deterioration in cognition, activities of daily living, the double stigma of age and dementia, and the reduce... Read More about Promoting independence in dementia: protocol for a feasibility trial of the PRIDE intervention for living well with dementia.

A qualitative study of the shared experience of humour between people living with dementia and their partners (2018)
Journal Article
Hickman, H., Clarke, C., & Wolverson, E. (in press). A qualitative study of the shared experience of humour between people living with dementia and their partners. Dementia,

Humour is a complex social and emotional experience which could constitute a positive resource for people endeavouring to live well with dementia. However, little is currently known about the shared use and value of humour in dyads where one person h... Read More about A qualitative study of the shared experience of humour between people living with dementia and their partners.

Implementing e-learning and e-tools for care home staff supporting residents with dementia and challenging behaviour: A process evaluation of the ResCare study using normalisation process theory (2018)
Journal Article
Poland, F., Keenan, J., Manthorpe, J., Hart, C., & Moniz-Cook, E. (2020). Implementing e-learning and e-tools for care home staff supporting residents with dementia and challenging behaviour: A process evaluation of the ResCare study using normalisation process theory. Dementia, 19(5), 1604-1620.

© The Author(s) 2018. Dementia-related symptoms, sometimes termed challenging or distressing behaviour, can give rise to significant distress in care homes. Individualised formulation-led interventions show promise in reducing these behaviours. ResCa... Read More about Implementing e-learning and e-tools for care home staff supporting residents with dementia and challenging behaviour: A process evaluation of the ResCare study using normalisation process theory.

“Maybe it’s kind of normal to hear voices”: The role of spirituality in making sense of voice hearing (2018)
Journal Article
Lewis, S. H., Sanderson, C., Gupta, A., & Klein, C. (in press). “Maybe it’s kind of normal to hear voices”: The role of spirituality in making sense of voice hearing. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 1-16.

First-person accounts of voice hearing are scarce. This research aims to explore the role of spirituality in the sense-making process of hearing voices. Five semistructured interviews explored experiences of spirituality and hearing voices. Qualitati... Read More about “Maybe it’s kind of normal to hear voices”: The role of spirituality in making sense of voice hearing.

A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations (2018)
Journal Article
Dixon, L., Sanderson, C., Alexander, T., & Holt, L. (2018). A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy, 08(03), Article 343.

Objectives: Hallucinations can be traumatic. However, research into 'post-traumatic growth' in relation to hallucinations is scarce. This study aims to further our understanding of personal growth in the context of hallucinations. Design: A phenomeno... Read More about A weird but interesting journey: Personal traumatic growth for individuals with hallucinations.

Towards capturing meaningful outcomes for people with dementia in psychosocial intervention research: A pan-European consultation (2018)
Journal Article
Øksnebjerg, L., Diaz-Ponce, A., Gove, D., Moniz-Cook, E., Mountain, G., Chattat, R., & Woods, B. (2018). Towards capturing meaningful outcomes for people with dementia in psychosocial intervention research: A pan-European consultation. Health Expectations, 21(6), 1056-1065.

Background: People with dementia are often marginalized and excluded from influence, also in relation to dementia research. There is, however, a growing requirement for inclusion through Patient and Public Involvement (PPI), but there is still limite... Read More about Towards capturing meaningful outcomes for people with dementia in psychosocial intervention research: A pan-European consultation.