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Outputs (239)

The impact of individual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (iCST) on cognition, quality of life, caregiver health, and family relationships in dementia : a randomized controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article
Orrell, M., Yates, L., Leung, P., Kang, S., Hoare, Z., Whitaker, C., Burns, A., Knapp, M., Leroi, I., Moniz-Cook, E., Pearson, S., Simpson, S., Spector, A., Roberts, S., Russell, I., de Waal, H., Woods, R. T., & Orgeta, V. (2017). The impact of individual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (iCST) on cognition, quality of life, caregiver health, and family relationships in dementia : a randomized controlled trial. PLoS Medicine, 14(3), e1002269.

Background Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) is a well-established group psychosocial intervention for people with dementia. There is evidence that homebased programmes of cognitive stimulation delivered by family caregivers may benefit both the pe... Read More about The impact of individual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (iCST) on cognition, quality of life, caregiver health, and family relationships in dementia : a randomized controlled trial.

Screening for at-risk alcohol consumption in primary care: a randomized evaluation of screening approaches (2017)
Journal Article
Coulton, S., Dale, V., Deluca, P., Gilvarry, E., Godfrey, C., Kaner, E., McGovern, R., Newbury-Birch, D., Patton, R., Parrott, S., Perryman, K., Phillips, T., Shepherd, J., & Drummond, C. (2017). Screening for at-risk alcohol consumption in primary care: a randomized evaluation of screening approaches. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 52(3), 312-317.

Aims: The aim of the study was to explore the relative efficiency and effectiveness of targeted versus universal screening for at-risk alcohol use in a primary care population in the UK.Methods: The study was a randomized evaluation of screening appr... Read More about Screening for at-risk alcohol consumption in primary care: a randomized evaluation of screening approaches.

Epidemiology of pain in people with dementia living in care homes: longitudinal course, prevalence, and treatment implications (2017)
Journal Article
Rajkumar, A. P., Ballard, C., Fossey, J., Orrell, M., Moniz-Cook, E., Woods, R. T., Murray, J., Whitaker, R., Stafford, J., Knapp, M., Romeo, R., Romeo, R., Woodward-Carlton, B., Khan, Z., Testad, I., & Corbett, A. (2017). Epidemiology of pain in people with dementia living in care homes: longitudinal course, prevalence, and treatment implications. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 18(5), 453.e1-453.e6.

Introduction: Knowledge regarding the longitudinal course, impact, or treatment implications of pain in people with dementia living in care homes is very limited. Methods: We investigated the people with dementia living in 67 care homes in London and... Read More about Epidemiology of pain in people with dementia living in care homes: longitudinal course, prevalence, and treatment implications.

Counter-intuitive moral judgement following traumatic brain injury (2017)
Journal Article
Rowley, D. A., Rogish, M., Alexander, T., & Riggs, K. J. (2018). Counter-intuitive moral judgement following traumatic brain injury. Journal of neuropsychology, 12(2), 200-215.

Several neurological patient populations, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), appear to produce an abnormally ‘utilitarian’ pattern of judgements to moral dilemmas; they tend to make judgements that maximise the welfare of the majority, rather th... Read More about Counter-intuitive moral judgement following traumatic brain injury.

Support at Home: Interventions to Enhance Life in Dementia (SHIELD) – evidence, development and evaluation of complex interventions (2017)
Journal Article
Orrell, M., Hoe, J., Charlesworth, G., Russell, I., Challis, D., Moniz-Cook, E., Knapp, M., Woods, B., Hoare, Z., Aguirre, E., Toot, S., Streater, A., Crellin, N., Whitaker, C., d’Amico, F., & Rehill, A. (2017). Support at Home: Interventions to Enhance Life in Dementia (SHIELD) – evidence, development and evaluation of complex interventions. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 5(5), 1-184.


Dementia is a national priority and this research addresses the Prime Minister’s commitment to dementia research as demonstrated by his 2020 challenge and the new UK Dementia Research Institute. In the UK > 800,000 older people have dem... Read More about Support at Home: Interventions to Enhance Life in Dementia (SHIELD) – evidence, development and evaluation of complex interventions.

Through the eyes of others - The social experiences of people with dementia: A systematic literature review and synthesis (2017)
Journal Article
Patterson, K. M., Clarke, C., Wolverson, E. L., Moniz-Cook, E. D., Patterson, K., Clarke, C., Wolverson, E., & Moniz-Cook, E. (2018). Through the eyes of others - The social experiences of people with dementia: A systematic literature review and synthesis. International Psychogeriatrics, 30(6), 791-805.

Psychosocial models suggest that the lived experience of dementia is affected by interpersonal factors such as the ways in which others view, talk about, and behave toward the person with dementia. This review aimed to illuminate how informal, everyd... Read More about Through the eyes of others - The social experiences of people with dementia: A systematic literature review and synthesis.

Hospital staff experiences of their relationships with adults who self-harm: a meta-synthesis (2016)
Journal Article
O'Connor, S., & Glover, L. (2017). Hospital staff experiences of their relationships with adults who self-harm: a meta-synthesis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 90(3), 480-501.

Purpose This review aimed to synthesize qualitative literature exploring inpatient hospital staff experiences of their relationships with people who self-harm. Methods Nine studies were identified from a systematic search of five research databases.... Read More about Hospital staff experiences of their relationships with adults who self-harm: a meta-synthesis.

The relationship between self-blame for the onset of a chronic physical health condition and emotional distress : a systematic literature review (2016)
Journal Article
Callebaut, L., Molyneux, P., & Alexander, T. (2017). The relationship between self-blame for the onset of a chronic physical health condition and emotional distress : a systematic literature review. Clinical psychology and psychotherapy : an international journal of theory & practice, 24(4), 965-986.

Objective: Past literature presents contrasting perspectives regarding the potential influence of self-blame on adjustment to illness. This systematic literature review aimed to summarise findings from all investigations to date that have explored th... Read More about The relationship between self-blame for the onset of a chronic physical health condition and emotional distress : a systematic literature review.

Social health and dementia: a European consensus on the operationalization of the concept and directions for research and practice (2016)
Journal Article
Dröes, R. M., Chattat, R., Diaz, A., Gove, D., Graff, M., Murphy, K., Verbeek, H., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Clare, L., Johannessen, A., Roes, M., Verhey, F., Charras, K., van Audenhove, C., Casey, D., Evans, S., Fabbo, A., Franco, M., Gerritsen, D., Vittoria Gianelli, M., …Zuidema, S. (2017). Social health and dementia: a European consensus on the operationalization of the concept and directions for research and practice. Aging and Mental Health, 21(1), 4-17.

© 2017, © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Background: Because the pattern of illnesses changes in an aging population and many people manage to live well with chronic diseases, a group of health care professionals recent... Read More about Social health and dementia: a European consensus on the operationalization of the concept and directions for research and practice.

A qualitative exploration of responses to self-compassion in a non-clinical sample (2016)
Journal Article
Campion, M., & Glover, L. (2017). A qualitative exploration of responses to self-compassion in a non-clinical sample. Health and Social Care in the Community, 25(3), 1100-1108.

Research suggests that being self-compassionate can have myriad benefits, including life satisfaction, health-promoting behaviours and improved mental health. Given the possible advantages of being self-compassionate, it seems critical to explore how... Read More about A qualitative exploration of responses to self-compassion in a non-clinical sample.