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Outputs (239)

Women's needs and preferences for psychological help and support in a gynaecological outpatient service (2003)
Journal Article
Glover, L., Novakovic, A., & Hunter, M. (2003). Women's needs and preferences for psychological help and support in a gynaecological outpatient service. Journal of reproductive and infant psychology, 21(3), 195-206.

Distress has been identified in women attending gynaecology outpatient clinics and yet, there is poor provision of psychological help for these women. The aim of this study was to investigate women's current preferences for possible psychological hel... Read More about Women's needs and preferences for psychological help and support in a gynaecological outpatient service.

Alcohol urges in alcohol-dependent drinkers: Further validation of the Alcohol Urge Questionnaire in an untreated community clinical population (2002)
Journal Article
Drummond, D. C., & Phillips, T. S. (2002). Alcohol urges in alcohol-dependent drinkers: Further validation of the Alcohol Urge Questionnaire in an untreated community clinical population. Addiction, 97(11), 1465-1472.

Background: Alcohol craving is a key element of the alcohol dependence syndrome. However, there is a lack of consensus about the precise nature of craving and the most appropriate method of measurement. Alcohol urges measured by the Alcohol Urge Ques... Read More about Alcohol urges in alcohol-dependent drinkers: Further validation of the Alcohol Urge Questionnaire in an untreated community clinical population.

Screening for postnatal depression in Bengali women: preliminary observations from using a translated version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) (2002)
Journal Article
Fuggle, P., Glover, L., Khan, F., & Haydon, K. (2002). Screening for postnatal depression in Bengali women: preliminary observations from using a translated version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Journal of reproductive and infant psychology, 20(2), 71-82.

Postnatal depression carries a significant health burden for mothers and their offspring. However, the majority of screening or treatment studies for postnatal depression have been carried out on white or European populations and clinicians have been... Read More about Screening for postnatal depression in Bengali women: preliminary observations from using a translated version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS).

An exploration of the nature and causes of distress in women attending gynecology outpatient clinics (2002)
Journal Article
Glover, L., Novakovic, A., & Hunter, M. S. (2002). An exploration of the nature and causes of distress in women attending gynecology outpatient clinics. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 23(4), 237-248.

This study evaluates the distress experienced by women attending gynecology outpatient clinics (GOCs). We investigate causes of this distress and explore women's own experience of their distress. A questionnaire survey of 197 women attending GOCs was... Read More about An exploration of the nature and causes of distress in women attending gynecology outpatient clinics.

Association between Down's Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease: Review of the Literature (1999)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, N. J. (1999). Association between Down's Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease: Review of the Literature. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 3(4), 194-203.

In recent years, advances in medical, surgical and nursing care have resulted in a dramatic increase in the life expectancy of children born with Down's syndrome (DS), giving rise to an older population of people with DS not previously seen. It has b... Read More about Association between Down's Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease: Review of the Literature.

Prescription of psychotropic medication to people with intellectual disabilities in primary health-care settings (1999)
Journal Article
Molyneux, P., Emerson, E., & Caine, A. (1999). Prescription of psychotropic medication to people with intellectual disabilities in primary health-care settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 12(1), 46-57.

The prescription of psychotropic drugs to people with intellectual disabilities was examined in 357 people with intellectual disabilities served by 57 GPs. The results of the survey indicated that (1) 21% of adults with intellectual disabilities were... Read More about Prescription of psychotropic medication to people with intellectual disabilities in primary health-care settings.

The clinical skills of community psychiatric nurses working with patients who have severe and enduring mental health problems: an empirical analysis (1998)
Journal Article
Devane, S. M., Haddock, G., Lancashire, S., Baguley, I., Butterworth, T., Tarrier, N., James, A., & Molyneux, P. (1998). The clinical skills of community psychiatric nurses working with patients who have severe and enduring mental health problems: an empirical analysis. Journal of advanced nursing, 27(2), 253-260.

This study describes the use of reliable scales to rate the clinical skills of mental health nurses when working with individuals and families with severe mental health problems. The Cognitive Therapy Scale and the Schizophrenia Family Work Scale wer... Read More about The clinical skills of community psychiatric nurses working with patients who have severe and enduring mental health problems: an empirical analysis.

An audit of costs and outcome using HoNOS-3 in a rehabilitation team: a pilot study (1997)
Journal Article
Brooker, C., Molyneux, P., Deverill, M., & Repper, J. (1997). An audit of costs and outcome using HoNOS-3 in a rehabilitation team: a pilot study. Journal of Mental Health, 6(5), 491-502.

Tameside and Glossop Rehabilitation Team have developed a progressive and targeted service through the systematic implementation of research-based evidence in practice and service configuration. This study was independently commissioned from a small... Read More about An audit of costs and outcome using HoNOS-3 in a rehabilitation team: a pilot study.

The impact of pre-treatment weight-loss expectations on weight loss, weight regain, and attrition in people who are overweight and obese : a systematic review of the literature
Journal Article
Crawford, R., & Glover, L. The impact of pre-treatment weight-loss expectations on weight loss, weight regain, and attrition in people who are overweight and obese : a systematic review of the literature. British Journal of Health Psychology, 17(3), 609-630.

PURPOSE  Research exploring the relationships between initial weight-loss expectations with actual outcome in terms of weight loss, weight regain, and attrition/attendance suggests contradictory findings. The purpose of this review was to collate res... Read More about The impact of pre-treatment weight-loss expectations on weight loss, weight regain, and attrition in people who are overweight and obese : a systematic review of the literature.