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Outputs (747)

Increasing Engagement Through Explicit and Implicit Gamification in Higher Education (2022)
Book Chapter
Gordon, N., & Grey, S. (2022). Increasing Engagement Through Explicit and Implicit Gamification in Higher Education. In O. Bernardes, V. Amorim, & A. Carrizo Moreira (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Influence and Effectiveness of Gamification in Education (662-681). IGI Global.

Engagement is essential in higher education but can be problematic to achieve. Successful games are, at their core, designed to be engaging experiences. In attempts to increase engagement in learning, there has been an increase in playful learning, g... Read More about Increasing Engagement Through Explicit and Implicit Gamification in Higher Education.

Synchronous Multi-User Cross-Platform Virtual Reality for School Teachers (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kambili-Mzembe, F., & Gordon, N. A. (2022, May). Synchronous Multi-User Cross-Platform Virtual Reality for School Teachers. Presented at 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), Vienna, Austria

Motivated by a desire to apply Computer Science and Virtual Reality (VR) technology due to the need for improving secondary school education in Malawi, this paper presents a prototype of a synchronous multi-user cross-platform real-time 3D VR applica... Read More about Synchronous Multi-User Cross-Platform Virtual Reality for School Teachers.

Characterization and calibration of multiple 2D laser scanners (2022)
Journal Article
Riaz un Nabi Jafri, S., Shamim, S., Faraz, S. M., Ahmed, A., Yasir, S. M., & Iqbal, J. (2022). Characterization and calibration of multiple 2D laser scanners. PLoS ONE, 17(7), Article e0272063.

This paper presents the comparative evaluation of multiple compact and lightweight 2D laser scanners for their possible backpack based scanning and mapping applications. These scanners include Hokuyo URG-04LX, Slamtec RPLidar A1-M8 and Hokuyo UTM- 30... Read More about Characterization and calibration of multiple 2D laser scanners.

The HDIN dataset: A Real-world Indoor UAV Dataset with Multi-task Labels for Visual-based Navigation (2022)
Chang, Y., Cheng, Y., Murray, J., Huang, S., & Shi, G. (2022). The HDIN dataset: A Real-world Indoor UAV Dataset with Multi-task Labels for Visual-based Navigation. [Data]

The dataset contains image samples and Multi-task labels (i.e., regression and classification labels) collected from onboard UAV sensors in real-world indoor environments. By transforming the original labels following the instructions at: https://git... Read More about The HDIN dataset: A Real-world Indoor UAV Dataset with Multi-task Labels for Visual-based Navigation.

Flexible Ontology-Driven Educational Apps and Social Media for Learners with a Disability (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Nganji, J. T., Brayshaw, M., & Gordon, N. (2022, June). Flexible Ontology-Driven Educational Apps and Social Media for Learners with a Disability. Presented at HCII 2022: Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing the Learner and Teacher Experience

This paper explores how to build ontology-driven learning systems from a flexible disability-aware mentality and augment them into a learning blend that embraces social media. The approach emphasizes the use of user centered flexible software in a bl... Read More about Flexible Ontology-Driven Educational Apps and Social Media for Learners with a Disability.

Facilitating a smoother transition to renewable energy with AI (2022)
Journal Article
Chatterjee, J., & Dethlefs, N. (2022). Facilitating a smoother transition to renewable energy with AI. Patterns, 3(6), Article 100528.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help facilitate wider adoption of renewable energy globally. We organized a social event for the AI and renewables community to discuss these aspects at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR),... Read More about Facilitating a smoother transition to renewable energy with AI.

Learning Analytics and Deep Learning in Large Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) (2022)
Journal Article
Wechie, N., Brayshaw, M., & Gordon, N. (2022). Learning Analytics and Deep Learning in Large Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs). International Journal on Engineering Technologies and Informatics, 3(1), 1-3.

In this paper we look at the use of Deep Learning as a technique for Education Data Mining and Learnng Analytics. We discuss existing approaches and how Deep Learning can be used in a complimentary manner in order to provide new and insightful perspe... Read More about Learning Analytics and Deep Learning in Large Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs).

Extended grey wolf optimization–based adaptive fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode control of a robotic manipulator (2022)
Journal Article
Rezoug, A., Iqbal, J., & Tadjine, M. (2022). Extended grey wolf optimization–based adaptive fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode control of a robotic manipulator. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,

This article proposes a novel hybrid metaheuristic technique based on nonsingular terminal sliding mode controller, time delay estimation method, an extended grey wolf optimization algorithm and adaptive super twisting control law. The fast convergen... Read More about Extended grey wolf optimization–based adaptive fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode control of a robotic manipulator.

Experimental investigation of a novel vertical loop-heat-pipe PV/T heat and power system under different height differences (2022)
Journal Article
Yu, M., Chen, F., Zhou, J., Yuan, Y., Fan, Y., Li, G., Zhao, X., Wang, Z., Li, J., & Zheng, S. (2022). Experimental investigation of a novel vertical loop-heat-pipe PV/T heat and power system under different height differences. Energy, 254, Part A, Article 124193.

For a novel vertical solar loop-heat-pipe photovoltaic/thermal system, the height difference between evaporator and condenser plays an important role in the heat transport capacity, which has significant impact on the solar thermal efficiency and par... Read More about Experimental investigation of a novel vertical loop-heat-pipe PV/T heat and power system under different height differences.

Consensus Adversarial Defense Method Based on Augmented Examples (2022)
Journal Article
Ding, X., Cheng, Y., Luo, Y., Li, Q., & Gope, P. (2022). Consensus Adversarial Defense Method Based on Augmented Examples. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,

Deep learning has been used in many computer-vision-based industrial Internet of Things applications. However, deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples that have been crafted specifically to fool a system while being imperceptible... Read More about Consensus Adversarial Defense Method Based on Augmented Examples.