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Outputs (490)

Comparison of performance of alternative post combustion carbon capture processes for a biogas fueled micro gas turbine (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Font-Palma, C., Lychnos, G., Somehsaraei, H. N., Willson, P., & Assadi, M. (2020, September). Comparison of performance of alternative post combustion carbon capture processes for a biogas fueled micro gas turbine. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition

Copyright © 2020 ASME The urgent need to decrease greenhouse gases (GHG) has prompted countries such as the UK and Norway to commit to net zero emissions by 2050 and 2030, respectively. One of the sectors contributing to GHG emissions is agriculture,... Read More about Comparison of performance of alternative post combustion carbon capture processes for a biogas fueled micro gas turbine.

Smart windows – Transmittance tuned thermochromic coatings for dynamic control of building performance (2021)
Journal Article
Aburas, M., Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H., Lei, L., Li, M., Zhao, J., Williamson, T., Wu, Y., & Soebarto, V. (2021). Smart windows – Transmittance tuned thermochromic coatings for dynamic control of building performance. Energy and Buildings, 235, Article 110717.

Thermochromic window technologies promise energy-saving capabilities through intelligent regulation of solar irradiation indoor penetration. Although improvements have been made, nanoparticle thermochromic coated glazing technology has not yet achiev... Read More about Smart windows – Transmittance tuned thermochromic coatings for dynamic control of building performance.

Investigation of a novel solar photovltaic/micro-channel loop- heat-pipe heat and power system (2021)
Yu, M. Investigation of a novel solar photovltaic/micro-channel loop- heat-pipe heat and power system. (Thesis). University of Hull.

To tackle the crisis of climate change, increasing the use of renewable energy and enhancing the efficiency of the energy systems are crucial to creating more sustainable and inclusive communities and resilience. This research aims to develop a novel... Read More about Investigation of a novel solar photovltaic/micro-channel loop- heat-pipe heat and power system.

Design and analysis of a novel dual source vapor injection heat pump using exhaust and ambient air (2020)
Journal Article
Li, J., Fan, Y., Zhao, X., Bai, X., Zhou, J., Badiei, A., Myers, S., & Ma, X. (2021). Design and analysis of a novel dual source vapor injection heat pump using exhaust and ambient air. Energy and Built Environment,

A novel dual source vapor injection heat pump (DSVIHP) using exhaust and ambient air is proposed. The air exhausted from the building first releases energy to the medium-pressure evaporator and is then mixed with the ambient air to heat the low-press... Read More about Design and analysis of a novel dual source vapor injection heat pump using exhaust and ambient air.

The biomechanical role of the chondrocranium and the material properties of cartilage (2020)
Journal Article
Jones, M. E. H., Gröning, F., Aspden, R. M., Dutel, H., Sharp, A., Moazen, M., Fagan, M. J., & Evans, S. E. (2020). The biomechanical role of the chondrocranium and the material properties of cartilage. Vertebrate Zoology, 70(4), 699-715.

The chondrocranium is the cartilage component of the vertebrate braincase. Among jawed vertebrates it varies greatly in structure, mineralisation, and in the extent to which it is replaced by bone during development. In mammals, birds, and some bony... Read More about The biomechanical role of the chondrocranium and the material properties of cartilage.

The status of hydrogen technologies in the UK: A multi-disciplinary review (2020)
Journal Article
Edwards, R. L., Font-Palma, C., & Howe, J. (2021). The status of hydrogen technologies in the UK: A multi-disciplinary review. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments an international journal, 43, Article 100901.

Hydrogen has the potential to offer deep decarbonisation across a range of global heavy-emitting sectors. To have an impact on the global energy system, hydrogen technologies must be deployed with greater urgency. This review article facilitates the... Read More about The status of hydrogen technologies in the UK: A multi-disciplinary review.

A techno-economic assessment of implementing power-to-gas systems based on biomethanation in an operating waste water treatment plant (2020)
Journal Article
Michailos, S., Walker, M., Moody, A., Poggio, D., & Pourkashanian, M. (2021). A techno-economic assessment of implementing power-to-gas systems based on biomethanation in an operating waste water treatment plant. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(1), Article 104735.

The aim of the present study is to assess the techno-economic viability of integrating biomethanation into power to gas systems in a real waste water treatment plant (WWTP). The research is the first attempt to assess the viability of several scenari... Read More about A techno-economic assessment of implementing power-to-gas systems based on biomethanation in an operating waste water treatment plant.

Multiscale characterization of the 3D network structure of metal carbides in a Ni superalloy by synchrotron X-ray microtomography and ptychography (2020)
Journal Article
Zhang, Z., Khong, J. C., Koe, B., Luo, S., Huang, S., Qin, L., Cipiccia, S., Batey, D., Bodey, A. J., Rau, C., Chiu, Y. L., Zhang, Z., Gebelin, J. C., Green, N., & Mi, J. (2021). Multiscale characterization of the 3D network structure of metal carbides in a Ni superalloy by synchrotron X-ray microtomography and ptychography. Scripta materialia, 193, 71-76.

Synchrotron X-ray microtomography and ptychography were used to characterize the 3D network structure, morphology and distribution of metal carbides in an as-cast IN713LC Ni superalloy. MC typed carbides were found to distribute mainly on the grain b... Read More about Multiscale characterization of the 3D network structure of metal carbides in a Ni superalloy by synchrotron X-ray microtomography and ptychography.

Hourly performance forecast of a dew point cooler using explainable Artificial Intelligence and evolutionary optimisations by 2050 (2020)
Journal Article
Golizadeh Akhlaghi, Y., Aslansefat, K., Zhao, X., Sadati, S., Badiei, A., Xiao, X., Shittu, S., Fan, Y., & Ma, X. (2021). Hourly performance forecast of a dew point cooler using explainable Artificial Intelligence and evolutionary optimisations by 2050. Applied energy, 281, Article 116062.

The empirical success of the Artificial Intelligence (AI), has enhanced importance of the transparency in black box Machine Learning (ML) models. This study pioneers in developing an explainable and interpretable Deep Neural Network (DNN) model for a... Read More about Hourly performance forecast of a dew point cooler using explainable Artificial Intelligence and evolutionary optimisations by 2050.

In-situ measurement and prediction of traffic noise transmission loss across a residential flat unit façade installed with two plenum windows (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tang, S. K., & Li, X. (2020, August). In-situ measurement and prediction of traffic noise transmission loss across a residential flat unit façade installed with two plenum windows. Presented at InterNoise20, Seoul, South Korea

In the present study, the traffic noise transmission loss across a residential flat unit façade installed with two plenum windows are measured in-situ in a 30-storey high-rise building located in an opened environment next to a very busy and noisy ma... Read More about In-situ measurement and prediction of traffic noise transmission loss across a residential flat unit façade installed with two plenum windows.