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Outputs (504)

Regional patterning in tail vertebral form and function in chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus) (2021)
Journal Article
Luger, A. M., Watson, P. J., Dutel, H., Fagan, M. J., Van Hoorebeke, L., Herrel, A., & Adriaens, D. (2021). Regional patterning in tail vertebral form and function in chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus). Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61(2), 455-463.

Previous studies have focused on documenting shape variation in the caudal vertebrae in chameleons underlying prehensile tail function. The goal of this study was to test the impact of this variation on tail function using multibody dynamic analysis... Read More about Regional patterning in tail vertebral form and function in chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus).

Cytoplasmic delivery of quantum dots via microelectrophoresis technique (2021)
Journal Article
Han, M., Zhao, J., Fabian, J. M., Evans, S., Mustafa, S., Ruan, Y., Wiederman, S., & Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H. (2021). Cytoplasmic delivery of quantum dots via microelectrophoresis technique. ELECTROPHORESIS, 42(11), 1247-1254.

Nanoparticles with specific properties and functions have been developed for various biomedical research applications, such as in vivo and in vitro sensors, imaging agents and delivery vehicles of therapeutics. The development of an effective deliver... Read More about Cytoplasmic delivery of quantum dots via microelectrophoresis technique.

A porous media model for the numerical simulation of acoustic attenuation by perforated liners in the presence of grazing flows (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Rubini, P., & Qin, Q. (2021). A porous media model for the numerical simulation of acoustic attenuation by perforated liners in the presence of grazing flows. Applied Sciences, 11(10), Article 4677.

In this paper, a novel model is proposed for the numerical simulation of noise-attenuating perforated liners. Effusion cooling liners offer the potential of being able to attenuate combustion instabilities in gas turbine engines. However, the acousti... Read More about A porous media model for the numerical simulation of acoustic attenuation by perforated liners in the presence of grazing flows.

Scientific and technological progress and future perspectives of the solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) system (2021)
Journal Article
Fan, Y., Zhao, X., Han, Z., Li, J., Badiei, A., Akhlaghi, Y. G., & Liu, Z. (2021). Scientific and technological progress and future perspectives of the solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) system. Energy, 229, Article 120719.

Among all available solar technologies, solar-assisted heat pump (SAHP) is the most popular technology for low- and medium-temperature applications, i.e., drying, space heating, and water heating. This paper presents a critical review of the SAHP, le... Read More about Scientific and technological progress and future perspectives of the solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) system.

A micromechanics and machine learning coupled approach for failure prediction of unidirectional CFRP composites under triaxial loading: A preliminary study (2021)
Journal Article
Chen, J., Wan, L., Ismail, Y., Ye, J., & Yang, D. (2021). A micromechanics and machine learning coupled approach for failure prediction of unidirectional CFRP composites under triaxial loading: A preliminary study. Composite Structures, 267, Article 113876.

This study presents a hybrid method based on artificial neural network (ANN) and micro-mechanics for the failure prediction of IM7/8552 unidirectional (UD) composite lamina under triaxial loading. The ANN is trained offline by numerical data from a h... Read More about A micromechanics and machine learning coupled approach for failure prediction of unidirectional CFRP composites under triaxial loading: A preliminary study.

Comparative investigation of concentrated photovoltaic thermal-thermoelectric with nanofluid cooling (2021)
Journal Article
Rejeb, O., Shittu, S., Li, G., Ghenai, C., Zhao, X., Ménézo, C., Jemni, A., Jomaa, M. H., & Bettayeb, M. (2021). Comparative investigation of concentrated photovoltaic thermal-thermoelectric with nanofluid cooling. Energy Conversion and Management, 235, Article 113968.

Thermoelectric modules are capable of converting heat into electric energy via the Seebeck effect. Therefore the addition of the thermoelectric generator modules (TEG) between the PV module and the absorber plate inside a concentrated photovoltaic th... Read More about Comparative investigation of concentrated photovoltaic thermal-thermoelectric with nanofluid cooling.

Synchrotron X-ray imaging and ultrafast tomography in situ study of the fragmentation and growth dynamics of dendritic microstructures in solidification under ultrasound (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, Z., Wang, C., Koe, B., Schlepütz, C. M., Irvine, S., & Mi, J. (2021). Synchrotron X-ray imaging and ultrafast tomography in situ study of the fragmentation and growth dynamics of dendritic microstructures in solidification under ultrasound. Acta Materialia, 209, Article 116796.

High speed synchrotron X-ray imaging and ultrafast tomography were used to study in situ and in real time the fragmentation and growth dynamics of dendritic microstructures of an Al-15%Cu alloy in solidification under ultrasound. An ultrasound of 30... Read More about Synchrotron X-ray imaging and ultrafast tomography in situ study of the fragmentation and growth dynamics of dendritic microstructures in solidification under ultrasound.

Experimental analysis of CO2 frost front behaviour in moving packed beds for cryogenic CO2 capture (2021)
Journal Article
Cann, D., Font-Palma, C., & Willson, P. (2021). Experimental analysis of CO2 frost front behaviour in moving packed beds for cryogenic CO2 capture. International journal of greenhouse gas control, 107, Article 103291.

In this work, the feasibility of a novel method of cryogenic carbon capture based on carbon dioxide frost deposition onto a cold moving bed is explored. As a gas mixture including CO2 flows through a sufficiently cold packed bed, CO2 is deposited ont... Read More about Experimental analysis of CO2 frost front behaviour in moving packed beds for cryogenic CO2 capture.

A review on solar pavement and photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system (2021)
Journal Article
Zhou, B., Pei, J., Nasir, D. M., & Zhang, J. (2021). A review on solar pavement and photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 93, Article 102753.

In recent years, highway construction field has made huge efforts to develop energy harvesting solutions, such as solar pavement, which mainly on photovoltaic (PV) pavement and thermal energy harvesting pavement. Due to low energy utilisation efficie... Read More about A review on solar pavement and photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system.

Techno‐environmental analysis of the use of green hydrogen for cogeneration from the gasification of wood and fuel cell (2021)
Journal Article
Font‐palma, C., Díaz-Herrera, P., Gonzalez-Diaz, M. O., Jiang, L., Sánchez Ladrón de Guevara, J. C., & Gonzalez-Diaz, A. (2021). Techno‐environmental analysis of the use of green hydrogen for cogeneration from the gasification of wood and fuel cell. Sustainability, 13(6), Article 3232.

This paper aims to evaluate the use of wood biomass in a gasifier integrated with a fuel cell system as a low carbon technology. Experimental information of the wood is provided by the literature. The syngas is purified by using pressure swing adsorp... Read More about Techno‐environmental analysis of the use of green hydrogen for cogeneration from the gasification of wood and fuel cell.