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Outputs (504)

SmartTURVENT: Conceptual and Feasibility Studies of Smart Hybrid Windcatcher and Turbine Roof Ventilator for Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Enhancement and Wind Energy Harvesting (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mohd Nasir, D., Hughes, B. R., & Ibrahim, A. (2024, January). SmartTURVENT: Conceptual and Feasibility Studies of Smart Hybrid Windcatcher and Turbine Roof Ventilator for Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Enhancement and Wind Energy Harvesting. Presented at 4th Latin American Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Vina Del Mar, Chile

Shifting from fossil fuel-based power and dive into clean energy solutions are strived for 2030 and 2050 under the SDG agenda. There is huge potential to convert roof ventilators as ventilation to energy technologies via taking advantage of low-high... Read More about SmartTURVENT: Conceptual and Feasibility Studies of Smart Hybrid Windcatcher and Turbine Roof Ventilator for Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Enhancement and Wind Energy Harvesting.

Numerical Analysis on Conceptual Feasibility of Hybrid Windcatcher and Turbine Roof Ventilator for Optimum IEQ and Wind Power Harvesting (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mohd Nasir, D., Hughes, B. R., & Ibrahim, A. Numerical Analysis on Conceptual Feasibility of Hybrid Windcatcher and Turbine Roof Ventilator for Optimum IEQ and Wind Power Harvesting. Presented at 15th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2023), Doha, Qatar

This paper introduces "SmartTURVENT," a hybrid windcatcher and turbine roof ventilator system with triple benefits: enhancing indoor environmental quality (IEQ), harnessing renewable energy, and reducing carbon emissions. Utilising a transient state... Read More about Numerical Analysis on Conceptual Feasibility of Hybrid Windcatcher and Turbine Roof Ventilator for Optimum IEQ and Wind Power Harvesting.

Performance investigation of a novel low-carbon solar-assisted multi-source heat pump heating system demonstrated in a public building in Hull (2023)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Li, Z., Song, Z., Fan, Y., Zhao, X., & Li, J. (2024). Performance investigation of a novel low-carbon solar-assisted multi-source heat pump heating system demonstrated in a public building in Hull. Energy Conversion and Management, 300, Article 117979.

Global climate change has raised great attention from governments and prompted a wave of application of low-carbon heating technologies. However, solar-assisted heat pump, as an attractive technology, has challenges of unstable performance and comple... Read More about Performance investigation of a novel low-carbon solar-assisted multi-source heat pump heating system demonstrated in a public building in Hull.

Synchrotron X-ray operando studies of atomic structure evolution of multi-component Al alloys in liquid state (2023)
Huang, S. Synchrotron X-ray operando studies of atomic structure evolution of multi-component Al alloys in liquid state. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This research has studied one of the challenging scientific issues in materials science, i.e., in real time, understanding quantitatively the 3D atomic structures of multiple component alloys in the liquid state and how the atomic structures evolve w... Read More about Synchrotron X-ray operando studies of atomic structure evolution of multi-component Al alloys in liquid state.

Effect of perceived dominance and pleasantness on the total noise annoyance responses evoked by augmenting road traffic noise with birdsong/stream sound (2023)
Journal Article
Chau, C. K., Leung, T. M., Chung, W. K., & Tang, S. K. (2023). Effect of perceived dominance and pleasantness on the total noise annoyance responses evoked by augmenting road traffic noise with birdsong/stream sound. Applied acoustics. Acoustique appliqué. Angewandte Akustik, 213, Article 109650.

Earlier studies suggested that sound preferences or soundscape quality could be improved by augmenting the acoustic environment originally dominated by road traffic noise by birdsong or water sound. However, little has been known on whether and how t... Read More about Effect of perceived dominance and pleasantness on the total noise annoyance responses evoked by augmenting road traffic noise with birdsong/stream sound.

Simulation of the deformable lateral boundaries in biaxial test using DEM (2023)
Journal Article
Momeni, A., Clarke, B., Sheng, Y., & Hassanpour, A. (2024). Simulation of the deformable lateral boundaries in biaxial test using DEM. Particuology, 88, 161-175.

Applying the discrete element method (DEM) in soil mechanics can provide abundant information at the particle-scale and facilitates illustration of the macro-mechanical behaviour of soils based on the inter-particle mechanisms. The triaxial test is o... Read More about Simulation of the deformable lateral boundaries in biaxial test using DEM.

A bistable helical structure based on composite tape-springs (2023)
Journal Article
Xu, B., Wang, B., Fancey, K. S., Zhong, S., Zhao, C., & Chen, X. (2023). A bistable helical structure based on composite tape-springs. Composites Communications, 43, Article 101723.

Conventional twistable structures use discrete parts articulated around a number of linkages. These allow only a limited degree of twisting angle, are low in storage ratio, heavy and complex in morphing mechanisms. Double-helix structures are commonl... Read More about A bistable helical structure based on composite tape-springs.

Airflow rates and breathlessness recovery from submaximal exercise in healthy adults: prospective, randomised, cross-over study (2023)
Journal Article
Brew, A., O'Beirne, S., Johnson, M. J., Ramsenthaler, C., Watson, P., Rubini, P. A., Fagan, M. J., Swan, F., & Simpson, A. (online). Airflow rates and breathlessness recovery from submaximal exercise in healthy adults: prospective, randomised, cross-over study. BMJ supportive & palliative care,

Objectives: Facial airflow from a hand-held fan may reduce breathlessness severity and hasten postexertion recovery. Data from randomised controlled trials are limited and the optimal airflow speed remains unknown. We aimed to determine the effect of... Read More about Airflow rates and breathlessness recovery from submaximal exercise in healthy adults: prospective, randomised, cross-over study.

Effect of Operational Wind-Turbine Vibration on Surface-Dwelling Invertebrates (2023)
Book Chapter
Burgess, J., Thomas, S., Mazik, K., Al-Mudallal, S., Tang, S. K., & Breithaupt, T. (2023). Effect of Operational Wind-Turbine Vibration on Surface-Dwelling Invertebrates. In A. N. Popper, J. Sisneros, A. D. Hawkins, & F. Thomsen (Eds.), The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life : Principles and Practical Considerations (1-20). Springer.

With the UK aiming to achieve 50 GW of offshore renewable energy by 2030, offshore construction will increase in tandem. The construction noise associated with wind turbine installation has gained much attention over the years, with sound emissions t... Read More about Effect of Operational Wind-Turbine Vibration on Surface-Dwelling Invertebrates.

Simulation and economic analysis of an innovative indoor solar cooking system with energy storage (2023)
Journal Article
Zhou, C., Wang, Y., Li, J., Ma, X., Li, Q., Yang, M., Zhao, X., & Zhu, Y. (2023). Simulation and economic analysis of an innovative indoor solar cooking system with energy storage. Solar Energy, 263, Article 111816.

Solar energy technology and energy storage technology are promising to make a contribution to current energy and global climate issue. The energy demand of daily cooking is enormous, and conventional cooking methods use gas or electricity with large... Read More about Simulation and economic analysis of an innovative indoor solar cooking system with energy storage.