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Outputs (504)

Modelling and Simulation of Dissolution/Reprecipitation Technique for Low-Density Polyethene Using Solvent/Non-Solvent System (2022)
Journal Article
Zein, S. H., Hussain, A. A., Yansaneh, O. Y., & Jalil, A. A. (2022). Modelling and Simulation of Dissolution/Reprecipitation Technique for Low-Density Polyethene Using Solvent/Non-Solvent System. Processes, 10(11), Article 2387.

The global production and consumption of plastics have continued to increase. Plastics degrade slowly, causing persistent environmental pollution Developed waste plastic recycling methods are discussed in this report, with a focus on the dissolution/... Read More about Modelling and Simulation of Dissolution/Reprecipitation Technique for Low-Density Polyethene Using Solvent/Non-Solvent System.

Duct sound produced by vortex flow over a splitter plate (2022)
Journal Article
Tang, S. K. (2022). Duct sound produced by vortex flow over a splitter plate. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 541, Article 117352.

This paper examines the sound generated by an inviscid low Mach number vortex filament as it moves near a semi-infinite splitter in a two-dimensional duct with and without vortex shedding at the splitter edge. A strong one-dimensional sound is produc... Read More about Duct sound produced by vortex flow over a splitter plate.

Temperature as a key parameter for graphene sono-exfoliation in water (2022)
Journal Article
Kaur, A., Morton, J. A., Tyurnina, A. V., Priyadarshi, A., Holland, A., Mi, J., Porfyrakis, K., Eskin, D. G., & Tzanakis, I. (2022). Temperature as a key parameter for graphene sono-exfoliation in water. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 90, Article 106187.

Graphene dispersions in water are highly desirable for a range of applications such as biomedicines, separation membranes, coatings, inkjet printing and more. Recent novel research has been focussed on developing a green approach for scalable product... Read More about Temperature as a key parameter for graphene sono-exfoliation in water.

Methods used for handling and quantifying model uncertainty of artificial neural network models for air pollution forecasting (2022)
Journal Article
Cabaneros, S. M., & Hughes, B. (2022). Methods used for handling and quantifying model uncertainty of artificial neural network models for air pollution forecasting. Environmental modelling & software : with environment data news, 158, Article 105529.

The use of data-driven techniques such as artificial neural network (ANN) models for outdoor air pollution forecasting has been popular in the past two decades. However, research activity on the uncertainty surrounding the development of ANN models h... Read More about Methods used for handling and quantifying model uncertainty of artificial neural network models for air pollution forecasting.

Multiscale interactions of liquid, bubbles and solid phases in ultrasonic fields revealed by multiphysics modelling and ultrafast X-ray imaging (2022)
Journal Article
Qin, L., Porfyrakis, K., Tzanakis, I., Grobert, N., Eskin, D. G., Fezzaa, K., & Mi, J. (2022). Multiscale interactions of liquid, bubbles and solid phases in ultrasonic fields revealed by multiphysics modelling and ultrafast X-ray imaging. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 89, Article 106158.

The volume of fluid (VOF) and continuous surface force (CSF) methods were used to develop a bubble dynamics model for the simulation of bubble oscillation and implosion dynamics under ultrasound. The model was calibrated and validated by the X-ray im... Read More about Multiscale interactions of liquid, bubbles and solid phases in ultrasonic fields revealed by multiphysics modelling and ultrafast X-ray imaging.

Roadway traffic sound measured up on a high-rise building - the sound-level's statistical normality (2022)
Journal Article
Muaz, M., Tang, S. K., Lin, T. C., Wong, K. T., & Ng, H. T. (2022). Roadway traffic sound measured up on a high-rise building - the sound-level's statistical normality. IEEE Access, 10, 105031-105039.

Percentile-value ceilings/thresholds have been mandated by governments around the world on roadway traffic sound-level. Such percentile values, by definition, change with the sound-level’s underlying probability distribution, i.e., the same percentil... Read More about Roadway traffic sound measured up on a high-rise building - the sound-level's statistical normality.

Design of newly effective grain refiner for aluminum based on medium-entropy metal diboride (2022)
Journal Article
Xiao, F., Wu, M., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Shu, D., Wang, D., Zhu, G., Mi, J., & Sun, B. (2022). Design of newly effective grain refiner for aluminum based on medium-entropy metal diboride. Vacuum, 205, Article 111462.

In this paper, medium-entropy metal diboride (Ti1/3Cr1/3V1/3)B2 with a hexagonal TiB2-type crystal structure were synthesized via molten salt reaction, and its effect on refining pure aluminum grains was investigated. Compared with TiB2, the minimum... Read More about Design of newly effective grain refiner for aluminum based on medium-entropy metal diboride.

Waste Plastic Thermal Pyrolysis: A Recent Advanced Study (2022)
Book Chapter
Yansaneh, O. Y., & Zein, S. H. (2022). Waste Plastic Thermal Pyrolysis: A Recent Advanced Study. In G. Bucci (Ed.), Current Overview on Science and Technology Research Vol. 1 (1-36). Book Publisher International.

This work is essentially a simplification of a collection of thermal pyrolysis research work, mostly recent, being reviewed and referenced here, and showcasing the increased interest in pyrolysis treatment methods. The management of waste plastic (WP... Read More about Waste Plastic Thermal Pyrolysis: A Recent Advanced Study.

Preliminary study of CO2 frost formation during cryogenic carbon capture using tomography analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Cann, D., Jia, J., & Font Palma, C. (2022). Preliminary study of CO2 frost formation during cryogenic carbon capture using tomography analysis. Fuel, 328, Article 125271.

Cryogenic carbon capture (CCC) is a potential technological solution to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve the needed environmental targets. CCC provides a relatively compact solution to industries where more mature technologies would have difficulty s... Read More about Preliminary study of CO2 frost formation during cryogenic carbon capture using tomography analysis.