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Force measurement from viscoelastically recovering Nylon 6,6 fibres (2007)
Journal Article
Pang, J. W. C., Lamin, B. M., & Fancey, K. S. (2008). Force measurement from viscoelastically recovering Nylon 6,6 fibres. Materials letters, 62(10-11), 1693-1696.

The force generated from viscoelastically stored energy in nylon 6,6 fibres was investigated. A 320 MPa, 24 h tensile creep stress was applied to annealed yarn. Following elastic (short-term) recovery, the yarn was allowed to contract from a loose st... Read More about Force measurement from viscoelastically recovering Nylon 6,6 fibres.

Optimisation of spray forming ni superalloys via process modelling and on-line monitoring (2007)
Journal Article
Mi, J., & Grant, P. S. (2007). Optimisation of spray forming ni superalloys via process modelling and on-line monitoring. Materials Science Forum, 546-549, 1327-1332.

The optimisation of spray forming IN718 alloy rings for aeroengine applications was investigated using both modelling and experimental approaches. A multiphysics numerical model has been developed and implemented to assist in the optimisation of the... Read More about Optimisation of spray forming ni superalloys via process modelling and on-line monitoring.

Imaging of aerosols using time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (2007)
Journal Article
Font Palma, C., Evans, G. J., & Sodhi, R. N. (2007). Imaging of aerosols using time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. Applied Surface Science, 253(14), 5951-5956.

Interest in environmental aerosol chemistry has grown over the last decade as a result of its role in both climate change and troposheric pollution. In this work, the combination of ToF-SIMS and SEM/EDX was employed to explore the surface chemistry o... Read More about Imaging of aerosols using time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry.

Assessing mechanical function of the zygomatic region in macaques: validation and sensitivity testing of finite element models (2006)
Journal Article
Kupczik, K., Dobson, C. A., Fagan, M. J., Crompton, R. H., Oxnard, C. E., & O'Higgins, P. (2007). Assessing mechanical function of the zygomatic region in macaques: validation and sensitivity testing of finite element models. Journal of anatomy, 210(1), 41-53.

Crucial to the interpretation of the results of any finite element analysis of a skeletal system is a test of the validity of the results and an assessment of the sensitivity of the model parameters. We have therefore developed finite element models... Read More about Assessing mechanical function of the zygomatic region in macaques: validation and sensitivity testing of finite element models.

An investigation into the long-term viscoelastic recovery of Nylon 6,6 fibres through accelerated ageing (2006)
Journal Article
Pang, J. W. C., & Fancey, K. S. (2006). An investigation into the long-term viscoelastic recovery of Nylon 6,6 fibres through accelerated ageing. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 431(1-2), 100-105.

As part of investigations into the development of viscoelastically prestressed polymeric matrix composites, time-temperature superposition principles have been adopted to evaluate the long-term viscoelastic strain recovery characteristics of nylon 6,... Read More about An investigation into the long-term viscoelastic recovery of Nylon 6,6 fibres through accelerated ageing.

Three dimensional stereolithography models of cancellous bone structures from μCT data: Testing and validation of finite element results (2006)
Journal Article
Dobson, C. A., Sisias, G., Phillips, R., Langton, C. M., & Fagan, M. J. (2006). Three dimensional stereolithography models of cancellous bone structures from μCT data: Testing and validation of finite element results. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 220(3), 481-484.

Stereolithography (STL) models of complex cancellous bone structures have been produced from three-dimensional micro-computed tomography data sets of human cancellous bone histological samples from four skeletal sites. The STL models have been mechan... Read More about Three dimensional stereolithography models of cancellous bone structures from μCT data: Testing and validation of finite element results.

A mechanical model for creep, recovery and stress relaxation in polymeric materials (2005)
Journal Article
Fancey, K. S. (2005). A mechanical model for creep, recovery and stress relaxation in polymeric materials. Journal of materials science, 40(18), 4827-4831.

A mechanical model is presented, in which viscoelastic response is described by the action of time-dependent latch elements. The model represents viscoelastic changes occurring through incremental jumps as opposed to continuous motion. This is suppor... Read More about A mechanical model for creep, recovery and stress relaxation in polymeric materials.

Surface tension: Floater clustering in a standing wave (2005)
Journal Article
Falkovich, G., Weinberg, A., Denissenko, P., & Lukaschuk, S. (2005). Surface tension: Floater clustering in a standing wave. Nature, 435(7045), 1045-1046.

How do waves affect the distribution of small particles that float on water? Here we show that drifting small particles concentrate in either the nodes or antinodes of a standing wave, depending on whether they are hydrophilic or hydrophobic, as a re... Read More about Surface tension: Floater clustering in a standing wave.