Effects of compression on mechanical integrity, gas permeability and thermal stability of gas diffusion layers with/without sealing gaskets
Journal Article
Aldakheel, F., Ismail, M. S., Hughes, K. J., Ingham, D. B., Ma, L., & Pourkashanian, M. (2021). Effects of compression on mechanical integrity, gas permeability and thermal stability of gas diffusion layers with/without sealing gaskets. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(44), 22907-22919. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.04.087
The compressibility, the gas permeability and the thermal stability of 4 commercially available uncoated GDLs (or carbon substrates) and MPL-coated GDLs are, with/without Teflon and silicone sealing gaskets, investigated before and after performing e... Read More about Effects of compression on mechanical integrity, gas permeability and thermal stability of gas diffusion layers with/without sealing gaskets.