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Reeves’ muntjac populations continue to grow and spread across Great Britain and are invading continental Europe (2021)
Journal Article
Ward, A. I., Richardson, S., & Mergeay, J. (2021). Reeves’ muntjac populations continue to grow and spread across Great Britain and are invading continental Europe. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 67(3), Article 34.

The appropriate response for controlling an invasive non-native species depends on the extent to which its invasion has progressed, which can be revealed by information on its distribution and abundance. Reeves’ muntjac is a native deer to China and... Read More about Reeves’ muntjac populations continue to grow and spread across Great Britain and are invading continental Europe.

Using and communicating uncertainty for the effective control of invasive non-native species (2020)
Journal Article
Ward, A. I., Richardson, S., Macarthur, R., & Mill, A. C. (2020). Using and communicating uncertainty for the effective control of invasive non-native species. Mammal Review, 50(2), 211-220.

Estimates of quantities needed to plan invasive species control, such as population size, are always uncertain; this is an issue that can become a problem when mishandled in ecological science and its communication. The complexities of incorporating... Read More about Using and communicating uncertainty for the effective control of invasive non-native species.

A systematic review of adaptive wildlife management for the control of invasive, non-native mammals, and other human–wildlife conflicts (2020)
Journal Article
Richardson, S., Mill, A., Davis, D., Jam, D., & Ward, A. (2020). A systematic review of adaptive wildlife management for the control of invasive, non-native mammals, and other human–wildlife conflicts. Mammal Review, 50(2), 147-156.

1. We are entering an era where species declines are occurring at their fastest ever rate, and the increased spread of non-native species is among the top causes. High uncertainty in biological processes makes the accurate prediction of the outcomes... Read More about A systematic review of adaptive wildlife management for the control of invasive, non-native mammals, and other human–wildlife conflicts.