Investigating lived experiences of children and young peoples changing relationship with the natural environment during and after COVID19
Parsons, K. Investigating lived experiences of children and young peoples changing relationship with the natural environment during and after COVID19. (Thesis). University of Hull.
Outputs (13)
Soft power, cultural relations and conflict through Eurovision and other mega-events: a literature review (2024)
Baker, C., Atkinson, D., Grabher, B., & Howcroft, M. (2024). Soft power, cultural relations and conflict through Eurovision and other mega-events: a literature review. British CouncilFirst paragraph:
This literature review explores the significance of the Eurovision Song Contest for soft power strategies and cultural relations activities, especially at times of conflict and international aggression.
Culture, place and partnership: the cultural relations of Eurovision 2023 (2024)
Baker, C., Atkinson, D., Grabher, B., & Howcroft, M. (2024). Culture, place and partnership: the cultural relations of Eurovision 2023. British CouncilForeword:
This report tells the story of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2023, when the UK found itself as host on behalf of the 2022 winners Ukraine, due to Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country in 2021. As the UK’s 2022 entry Sam Ryder put it... Read More about Culture, place and partnership: the cultural relations of Eurovision 2023.
Following the icy thing: When natural ice was a commodity (2022)
Journal Article
Atkinson, D. (2022). Following the icy thing: When natural ice was a commodity. International Journal of Maritime History, 34(1), 113-122. article explores how a focus on commodities, and associated ‘follow-the-thing’ methodologies, might help nuance and deepen traditional historical narratives of the natural-ice trade between Norway and Britain in the 1850–1920 period. The article... Read More about Following the icy thing: When natural ice was a commodity.
Chair's note: moving forwards amidst the British International Research Institutes (BIRI) of the British Academy (2019)
Journal Article
Atkinson, D. (2019). Chair's note: moving forwards amidst the British International Research Institutes (BIRI) of the British Academy. Libyan Studies, 50, 197-199. third Chair's note on the society's activities outlines the wider context of The Society for Libyan Studies within the British Academy's British International Research Institutes (BIRI), and recent developments within this collaboration. The BIR... Read More about Chair's note: moving forwards amidst the British International Research Institutes (BIRI) of the British Academy.
Working around the crisis in Libya (2017)
Journal Article
Atkinson, D. (2017). Working around the crisis in Libya. Libyan Studies, 48, 177-181. is the first in a series of chair’s notes in Libyan Studies. We hope that future notes will address easier topics and more straightforward success, but for now we think it is important to communicate what we are doing given the difficult circums... Read More about Working around the crisis in Libya.
Whaling (Vignette) (2017)
Book Chapter
Atkinson, D. (2017). Whaling (Vignette). In D. Atkinson, B. McDonagh, S. McKeon, E. Salter, & D. J. Starkey (Eds.), Hull: Culture, History, Place. Liverpool University Press
Geographical imaginations, public education and the everyday worlds of Fascist Italy (2013)
Journal Article
Atkinson, D. (2013). Geographical imaginations, public education and the everyday worlds of Fascist Italy. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 18(5), 561-579. article explores the phenomena of geographical imaginations and their seldom-noted promotion within various corners of Fascist Italy. Imagined geographies are socially constructed understandings of other places and regions and, as such, they are... Read More about Geographical imaginations, public education and the everyday worlds of Fascist Italy.
Encountering bare life in Italian Libya and colonial amnesia in Agamben (2012)
Book Chapter
Atkinson, D. (2012). Encountering bare life in Italian Libya and colonial amnesia in Agamben. In Agamben and Colonialism (155-177). Edinburgh University Press
Classical traditions and cultural geographies (2011)
Book Chapter
Atkinson, D. (2011). Classical traditions and cultural geographies. In Visual and historical geography: essays in honour of Denis E. Cosgrove (44075). Historical Geography Research Series, Royal Geographical Society - Institute of British Geographers