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Outputs (3)

Magnetic tracing of fine-sediment over pool-riffle morphology (2013)
Journal Article
Milan, D. J., & Large, A. R. (2014). Magnetic tracing of fine-sediment over pool-riffle morphology. CATENA, 115, 134-149.

Field studies documenting fine-sediment (< 2 mm) transport in gravel-bed rivers are rare. For the first time in a fluvial environment, a technique that enhances the magnetic susceptibility of sand is used to trace its longitudinal dispersion and stor... Read More about Magnetic tracing of fine-sediment over pool-riffle morphology.

Virtual velocity of tracers in a gravel-bed river using size-based competence duration (2013)
Journal Article
Milan, D. J. (2013). Virtual velocity of tracers in a gravel-bed river using size-based competence duration. Geomorphology, 198, 107-114.

Virtual velocity (Vi) of river gravels is commonly used to determine sediment transport rates and gravel dispersion dynamics. Virtual velocity is calculated from tracer gravel step-length data as the distance travelled divided by the duration of comp... Read More about Virtual velocity of tracers in a gravel-bed river using size-based competence duration.

Sediment routing hypothesis for pool-riffle maintenance (2013)
Journal Article
Milan, D. J. (2013). Sediment routing hypothesis for pool-riffle maintenance. Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group, 38(14), 1623-1641.

This paper provides comprehensive evidence that sediment routing around pools is a key mechanism for pool-riffle maintenance in sinuous upland gravel-bed streams. The findings suggest that pools do not require a reversal in energy for them to scour o... Read More about Sediment routing hypothesis for pool-riffle maintenance.