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Outputs (3)

Using geophysical subsurface data for the reconstruction of valley-scale spatio-temporal floodplain evolution: implications for upland river restoration (2024)
Journal Article
Schwendel, A. C., Milan, D. J., Pope, R. J., Williams, R., & Thompson, W. (2024). Using geophysical subsurface data for the reconstruction of valley-scale spatio-temporal floodplain evolution: implications for upland river restoration. Geomorphology, 466, Article 109459.

The use of analogues of previous river styles is highly significant for successful river restoration, yet some existing techniques available to assist practitioners are still not widely applied. We explore the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), t... Read More about Using geophysical subsurface data for the reconstruction of valley-scale spatio-temporal floodplain evolution: implications for upland river restoration.

Working with wood in rivers in the Western United States (2024)
Journal Article
Ockelford, A., Wohl, E., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Comiti, F., Piégay, H., Darby, S., Parsons, D., Yochum, S. E., Wolstenholme, J., White, D., Uno, H., Triantafillou, S., Stroth, T., Smrdel, T., Scott, D. N., Scamardo, J. E., Rees, J., Rathburn, S., Morrison, R. R., Milan, D., …Aarnink, J. (2024). Working with wood in rivers in the Western United States. River Research and Applications,

Recognition of the important physical and ecological roles played by large wood in channels and on floodplains has grown substantially during recent decades. Although large wood continues to be routinely removed from many river corridors worldwide, t... Read More about Working with wood in rivers in the Western United States.

How quickly does wood fragment in rivers? Methodological challenges, preliminary findings, and perspectives (2024)
Journal Article
Hortobágyi, B., Milan, D., Bourgeau, F., & Piégay, H. (2024). How quickly does wood fragment in rivers? Methodological challenges, preliminary findings, and perspectives. Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group,

Large wood plays a significant role in fluvial ecosystems, influencing river geomorphology and ecology. However, it poses both benefits to river systems and risks, making it essential to understand its dynamics for effective management. A better unde... Read More about How quickly does wood fragment in rivers? Methodological challenges, preliminary findings, and perspectives.