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Outputs (51)

Subjecting cows to robots: farming technologies and the making of animal subjects (2007)
Journal Article
Holloway, L. (2007). Subjecting cows to robots: farming technologies and the making of animal subjects. Environment and planning. D, Society & space, 25(6), 1041-1060.

Recent representations of human-animal relationships in farming have tended to focus on human experience, and to essentialise animal subjectivity in granting them a centred subjectivity akin to that assumed to be possessed by humans. Instead, this pa... Read More about Subjecting cows to robots: farming technologies and the making of animal subjects.

Possible food economies: A methodological framework for exploring food production-consumption relationships (2007)
Journal Article
Holloway, L., Kneafsey, M., Venn, L., Cox, R., Dowler, E., & Tuomainen, H. (2007). Possible food economies: A methodological framework for exploring food production-consumption relationships. Sociologia ruralis, 47(1), 1-19.

Modes of food production-consumption defined as 'alternative' have received considerable academic attention, with studies exploring both their potential for contributing to rural development strategies and the opportunities they provide for counterin... Read More about Possible food economies: A methodological framework for exploring food production-consumption relationships.

Exploring biopower in the regulation of farm animal bodies: genetic policy interventions in UK livestock (2007)
Journal Article
Holloway, L., & Morris, C. (2007). Exploring biopower in the regulation of farm animal bodies: genetic policy interventions in UK livestock. Life Sciences, society and policy, 3(2), 82 - 98.

This paper explores the analytical relevance of Foucault’s notion of biopower in the context of regulating and managing non-human lives and populations, specifically those animals that are the focus of livestock breeding based on genetic techniques.... Read More about Exploring biopower in the regulation of farm animal bodies: genetic policy interventions in UK livestock.

Researching European 'alternative' food networks: Some methodological considerations (2006)
Journal Article
Venn, L., Kneafsey, M., Holloway, L., Cox, R., Dowler, E., & Tuomainen, H. (2006). Researching European 'alternative' food networks: Some methodological considerations. Area, 38(3), 248-258.

Recent European literature on 'alternative' food networks (AFNs) draws heavily upon an apparently accessible and diverse body of non-conventional food networks in the agro-food sector and whilst researchers frequently refer to individual examples of... Read More about Researching European 'alternative' food networks: Some methodological considerations.

Managing sustainable farmed landscape through 'alternative' food networks: a case study from Italy (2006)
Journal Article
Holloway, L., Cox, R., Venn, L., Kneafsey, M., Dowler, E., & Tuomainen, H. (2006). Managing sustainable farmed landscape through 'alternative' food networks: a case study from Italy. The Geographical journal, 172(3), 219-229.

This paper focuses on a case study of an 'alternative' food network based in the Abruzzo National Park, Italy, to explore how ideas of sustainable farmland management can be expressed through broader understandings of developing networks of care conc... Read More about Managing sustainable farmed landscape through 'alternative' food networks: a case study from Italy.

Aesthetics, genetics, and evaluating animal bodies: locating and displacing cattle on show and in figures (2005)
Journal Article
Holloway, L. (2005). Aesthetics, genetics, and evaluating animal bodies: locating and displacing cattle on show and in figures. Environment and planning. D, Society & space, 23(6), 883-902.

In this paper I examine intertwined modes of bodily evaluation and genetic understanding evident in relation to 'modernising' tendencies in contemporary agriculture, using a case study of pedigree cattle breeding. These modes afford different perspec... Read More about Aesthetics, genetics, and evaluating animal bodies: locating and displacing cattle on show and in figures.

Producing-consuming food: Closeness, connectedness and rurality in four 'alternative' food networks (2004)
Book Chapter
Holloway, L., & Kneafsey, M. (2004). Producing-consuming food: Closeness, connectedness and rurality in four 'alternative' food networks. In L. Holloway, & M. Kneafsey (Eds.), Geographies of Rural Cultures and Societies (262-282). Ashgate.

In this chapter, the authors explore some key ideas and relationships associated with what they categorize as 'alternative' food production-consumption networks. They outline some key currents of debate surrounding contemporary agro-food networks. Th... Read More about Producing-consuming food: Closeness, connectedness and rurality in four 'alternative' food networks.

Geographies of rural cultures and societies (2004)
Lewis, H., & Moya, K. (Eds.). (2004). Geographies of rural cultures and societies. Routledge.

© Lewis Holloway and Moya Kneafsey 2004. All right reserved. The last decade or so has witnessed a flourishing of research in rural geography; in particular, approaches which have developed socio-cultural perspectives on rural issues. This book bring... Read More about Geographies of rural cultures and societies.

People and place: The extraordinary geographies of everyday life (2000)
Holloway, L., & Hubbard, P. (2000). People and place: The extraordinary geographies of everyday life. Routledge.

An innovative introduction to Human Geography, exploring different ways of studying the relationships between people and place, and putting people at the centre of human geography. The book covers behavioural, humanistic and cultural traditions, show... Read More about People and place: The extraordinary geographies of everyday life.