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Outputs (6)

Hydraulic and biotic impacts on neutralisation of high-pH waters (2017)
Journal Article
Gomes, H. I., Mayes, W. M., Rogerson, M., Burke, I. T., & Stewart, D. I. (2017). Hydraulic and biotic impacts on neutralisation of high-pH waters. Science of the Total Environment, 601-602, 1271-1279.

The management of alkaline (pH 11–12.5) leachate is an important issue associated with the conditioning, afteruse or disposal of steel slags. Passive in-gassing of atmospheric CO2 is a low cost option for reducing Ca(OH)2 alkalinity, as Ca(OH)2 is ne... Read More about Hydraulic and biotic impacts on neutralisation of high-pH waters.

Sustained bauxite residue rehabilitation with gypsum and organic matter 16 years after initial treatment (2017)
Journal Article
Bray, A. W., Stewart, D. I., Courtney, R., Rout, S. P., Humphreys, P. N., Mayes, W. M., & Burke, I. T. (2018). Sustained bauxite residue rehabilitation with gypsum and organic matter 16 years after initial treatment. Environmental Science and Technology, 52(1), 152-161.

Bauxite residue is a high volume by-product of alumina manufacture which is commonly disposed of in purpose-built bauxite residue disposal areas (BRDAs). Natural waters interacting with bauxite residue are characteristically highly alkaline, and have... Read More about Sustained bauxite residue rehabilitation with gypsum and organic matter 16 years after initial treatment.

Mechanism of Vanadium Leaching during Surface Weathering of Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel Slag Blocks: A Microfocus X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy Study (2017)
Journal Article
Hobson, A. J., Stewart, D. I., Bray, A. W., Mortimer, R. J. G., Mayes, W. M., Rogerson, M., & Burke, I. T. (2017). Mechanism of Vanadium Leaching during Surface Weathering of Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel Slag Blocks: A Microfocus X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy Study. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(14), 7823-7830.

© 2017 American Chemical Society. Basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steelmaking slag is enriched in potentially toxic V which may become mobilized in high pH leachate during weathering. BOF slag was weathered under aerated and air-excluded conditions for 6... Read More about Mechanism of Vanadium Leaching during Surface Weathering of Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel Slag Blocks: A Microfocus X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy Study.

Can aggregate quarry silt lagoons provide resources for wading birds? (2017)
Journal Article
Day, G., Mayes, W. M., Wheeler, P. M., & Hull, S. L. (2017). Can aggregate quarry silt lagoons provide resources for wading birds?. Ecological engineering, 105, 189-197.

Wading birds have declined across Europe as the intensification of lowland agriculture has resulted in the loss and degradation of wetland areas. Lowland aggregate extraction sites that incorporate areas of fine, waste sediments deposited in silt lag... Read More about Can aggregate quarry silt lagoons provide resources for wading birds?.

Resource recovery and remediation of highly alkaline residues : a political-industrial ecology approach to building a circular economy (2017)
Journal Article
Deutz, P., Baxter, H., Gibbs, D., Mayes, W. M., & Gomes, H. I. (2017). Resource recovery and remediation of highly alkaline residues : a political-industrial ecology approach to building a circular economy. Geoforum, 85, 336-344.

Highly alkaline industrial residues (e.g., steel slag, bauxite processing residue (red mud) and ash from coal combustion) have been identified as stocks of potentially valuable metals. Technological change has created demand for metals, such as vanad... Read More about Resource recovery and remediation of highly alkaline residues : a political-industrial ecology approach to building a circular economy.

Identifying pathways of exposure to highway pollutants in great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) road mitigation tunnels: Exposure pathways of highway pollutants to Triturus cristatus (2017)
Journal Article
White, K. J., Mayes, W. M., & Petrovan, S. O. (2017). Identifying pathways of exposure to highway pollutants in great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) road mitigation tunnels: Exposure pathways of highway pollutants to Triturus cristatus. Water and environment journal : the journal / the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 31(3), 310-316.

Road mitigation tunnels are increasingly deployed for amphibians but very little is known about chemical pollution in such schemes. We assessed pollution pressures associated with road runoff at a major great crested newt mitigation scheme in England... Read More about Identifying pathways of exposure to highway pollutants in great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) road mitigation tunnels: Exposure pathways of highway pollutants to Triturus cristatus.