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Outputs (43)

20,000 years of societal vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in southwest Asia (2019)
Journal Article
Jones, M. D., Abu-Jaber, N., Alshdaifat, A., Baird, D., Cook, B. I., Cuthbert, M. O., Dean, J. R., Djamali, M., Eastwood, W., Fleitmann, D., Haywood, A., Kwiecien, O., Larsen, J., Maher, L. A., Metcalfe, S. E., Parker, A., Petrie, C. A., Primmer, N., Richter, T., Roberts, N., …Weeks, L. (2019). 20,000 years of societal vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in southwest Asia. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 6(2), Article e1330.

The Fertile Crescent, its hilly flanks and surrounding drylands has been a critical region for studying how climate has influenced societal change, and this review focuses on the region over the last 20,000 years. The complex social, economic, and en... Read More about 20,000 years of societal vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in southwest Asia.

Materiality and the extended geographies of religion: the institutional design and everyday experiences of London's Wesleyan Methodist circuits, 1851–1932 (2019)
Journal Article
Slatter, R. (2019). Materiality and the extended geographies of religion: the institutional design and everyday experiences of London's Wesleyan Methodist circuits, 1851–1932. Journal of Historical Geography, 64, 60-71.

Using and adapting the ideas of material religion, this paper considers Wesleyan Methodist circuits: the organisation of chapels within specific geographical areas into co-dependent communities. Interested in circuits as an example of the extension o... Read More about Materiality and the extended geographies of religion: the institutional design and everyday experiences of London's Wesleyan Methodist circuits, 1851–1932.

Following the footsteps: Urbanisation of Wa Municipality and its synergism in risk accumulation, uncertainties and complexities in urban Ghana (2019)
Journal Article
Oteng-Ababio, M., Owusu, G., & Asafo, D. (2019). Following the footsteps: Urbanisation of Wa Municipality and its synergism in risk accumulation, uncertainties and complexities in urban Ghana. Jàmbá : Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 11(1), Article a479.

Global demographic characteristics have witnessed a significant shift with more than half of the world’s population crossing the rural–urban threshold in 2008. In Ghana, the 2010 census report revealed 50.9% urban population. While the many benefits... Read More about Following the footsteps: Urbanisation of Wa Municipality and its synergism in risk accumulation, uncertainties and complexities in urban Ghana.