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Outputs (36)

Economic policy uncertainty and cross-border mergers and acquisitions (2021)
Journal Article
Gregoriou, A., Nguyen, B. D., Nguyen, T. D., Le, H., & Hudson, R. (2021). Economic policy uncertainty and cross-border mergers and acquisitions. International review of financial analysis, 78, Article 101911.

We examine the impact of policy uncertainty on cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Using a sample of 23 countries worldwide over the period from 2003 to 2016, we provide evidence that when a country has high policy uncertainty, the volume o... Read More about Economic policy uncertainty and cross-border mergers and acquisitions.

Employee participation, job quality, and inequality (2021)
Journal Article
FitzRoy, F. R., & Nolan, M. A. (2022). Employee participation, job quality, and inequality. Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership, 5(1), 1-13.

Purpose: The purpose is to review the effects of employee participation (EP) in decision-making, ownership and profit on job quality, worker well-being and productivity, and derive policy recommendations from the findings. Design/methodology/approach... Read More about Employee participation, job quality, and inequality.

The effects of top management team strategic cognition on corporate financial health and value: an interactive multi-dimensional approach (2021)
Journal Article
Attah-Boakye, R., Costanzo, L. A., Guney, Y., & Rodgers, W. (in press). The effects of top management team strategic cognition on corporate financial health and value: an interactive multi-dimensional approach. The European journal of finance,

The upper echelons theory posits that the values, personalities, experience and education background of the top management team (TMT) affect both executives’ strategic cognition and corporate outcomes. Since TMT members differ in their cognitive stru... Read More about The effects of top management team strategic cognition on corporate financial health and value: an interactive multi-dimensional approach.

Economic and Institutional Determinants of Mergers & Acquisitions in BRICS, G7 and G20 Economies (2021)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K., Prasuna, A., & Kumar, S. N. V. S. (in press). Economic and Institutional Determinants of Mergers & Acquisitions in BRICS, G7 and G20 Economies. Journal of Applied Business and Economics,

Factors contributing towards increasing the number of mergers and acquisitions (M &A) among firms and the volume of business and sales of these firms are assessed empiricallybased on results of the static and dynamic panel data models for BRICS, G7 a... Read More about Economic and Institutional Determinants of Mergers & Acquisitions in BRICS, G7 and G20 Economies.

The existence and severity of the forward premium puzzle during tranquil and turbulent periods: Developed versus developing country currencies (2021)
Journal Article
Shehadeh, A. A., Li, Y., Vigne, S. A., Almaharmeh, M. I., & Wang, Y. (2021). The existence and severity of the forward premium puzzle during tranquil and turbulent periods: Developed versus developing country currencies. International review of financial analysis, 78, Article 101871.

In this paper we investigate the forward premium bias (FPB) puzzle for a number of developed and developing country currencies. Our main objective is to examine the possible variations in the existence and severity of the bias for different currency... Read More about The existence and severity of the forward premium puzzle during tranquil and turbulent periods: Developed versus developing country currencies.

COVID-19 and Remote Learning: Experiences of Parents supporting Children with Special Needs and Disability during the Pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Shaw, T., & Shaw, A. (2023). COVID-19 and Remote Learning: Experiences of Parents supporting Children with Special Needs and Disability during the Pandemic. Education 3-13, 51(3), 371-385.

The closure of school buildings due to COVID-19 created a challenge for parents and teachers supporting children’s remote learning. This paper presents findings of a study that explored whether parents of children with special educational needs and d... Read More about COVID-19 and Remote Learning: Experiences of Parents supporting Children with Special Needs and Disability during the Pandemic.

Labour Controls, Unfreedom and Perpetuation of Slavery on a Tea Plantation (2021)
Journal Article
Shahadat, K., & Uddin, S. (in press). Labour Controls, Unfreedom and Perpetuation of Slavery on a Tea Plantation. Work, employment & society : a journal of the British Sociological Association,

This article examines labour controls in traditional tea plantations in Bangladesh. This study finds how social and economic exclusion through discriminatory labour laws and labour–manager relations rooted in the ‘coolie’ system have built a captive... Read More about Labour Controls, Unfreedom and Perpetuation of Slavery on a Tea Plantation.

A Multidimensional Practice-Based Framework of Interactive Value Formation (2021)
Journal Article
Luyen, T., Shabbir, H., & Dean, D. (in press). A Multidimensional Practice-Based Framework of Interactive Value Formation. Journal of Service Research,

This study seeks to deconstruct the multidimensionality of the Interactive Value Formation (IVF) process within complex and prolonged Technology-Based Self-Services (TBSSs). Building on practice theory and Service Dominant logic, this framework sheds... Read More about A Multidimensional Practice-Based Framework of Interactive Value Formation.

Growth of the Benefit System in UK (2021)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K. (2021). Growth of the Benefit System in UK. Journal of Development Economics and Finance, 2(1), 153-176

The benefit system has expanded by ten times in the UK after the adoption the Beveridge social security system in 1940s. It has protected vulnerable people but also brought price distortions and adverse consequences in the economy. Efficiency issues... Read More about Growth of the Benefit System in UK.

Low liquidity beta anomaly in China (2021)
Journal Article
Frömmel, M., Han, X., Li, Y., & Vigne, S. A. (in press). Low liquidity beta anomaly in China. Emerging markets review, Article 100832.

The conventional risk-based theory does not reconcile with the liquidity-beta anomaly in China: Low liquidity-beta stocks outperform high liquidity-beta stocks on a risk-adjusted basis. This striking pattern is robust to different weighting schemes,... Read More about Low liquidity beta anomaly in China.