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Outputs (7)

Breathlessness limiting exertion in very old adults: findings from the Newcastle 85+ study (2023)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Pitel, L., Currow, D. C., Forbes, C., Soyiri, I., & Robinson, L. (2023). Breathlessness limiting exertion in very old adults: findings from the Newcastle 85+ study. Age and ageing, 52(9), Article afad155.

INTRODUCTION: Long-term breathlessness is more common with age. However, in the oldest old (>85years), little is known about the prevalence, or impact of breathlessness. We estimated breathlessness limiting exertion prevalence and explored (i) associ... Read More about Breathlessness limiting exertion in very old adults: findings from the Newcastle 85+ study.

The Feasibility and Acceptability of ExerciseGuide UK: A Web-Based Platform for Personalised Physical Activity Programmes and Educational Resources for Individuals Living with and Beyond Lung Cancer: A Mixed Methods Thesis (2023)
Curry, J. The Feasibility and Acceptability of ExerciseGuide UK: A Web-Based Platform for Personalised Physical Activity Programmes and Educational Resources for Individuals Living with and Beyond Lung Cancer: A Mixed Methods Thesis. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School.

Background: Lung cancer has a high incidence and mortality rate, particularly in older adults (65y+). Physical activity can improve the physical and psychological health of these patients. A virtual exercise and education programme could address barr... Read More about The Feasibility and Acceptability of ExerciseGuide UK: A Web-Based Platform for Personalised Physical Activity Programmes and Educational Resources for Individuals Living with and Beyond Lung Cancer: A Mixed Methods Thesis.

Developing and testing the ExerciseGuide UK website for people with lung cancer: reflections on the added value of patient and public involvement within a doctoral degree (2022)
Journal Article
Curry, J., Roberts, H., Smith, A., Riley, D., Pearson, M., & Forbes, C. C. (2022). Developing and testing the ExerciseGuide UK website for people with lung cancer: reflections on the added value of patient and public involvement within a doctoral degree. Research Involvement and Engagement, 8(1), Article 66.

Background: Lung cancer has one of the highest incidence and mortality rates worldwide. Physical activity can provide those diagnosed with lung cancer with several physical and psychological benefits. However, the examination of digitally delivered p... Read More about Developing and testing the ExerciseGuide UK website for people with lung cancer: reflections on the added value of patient and public involvement within a doctoral degree.

Evaluating a web-based computer-tailored physical activity intervention for those living with and beyond lung cancer (ExerciseGuide UK): protocol for a single group feasibility and acceptability study (2022)
Journal Article
Curry, J., Lind, M., Short, C. E., Vandelanotte, C., Evans, H. E., Pearson, M., & Forbes, C. C. (2022). Evaluating a web-based computer-tailored physical activity intervention for those living with and beyond lung cancer (ExerciseGuide UK): protocol for a single group feasibility and acceptability study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 8(1), Article 182.

Background: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death globally. Physical activity and exercise provide unequivocal benefits to those living with and beyond lung cancer. However, few of those living with and beyond cancer meet the natio... Read More about Evaluating a web-based computer-tailored physical activity intervention for those living with and beyond lung cancer (ExerciseGuide UK): protocol for a single group feasibility and acceptability study.

Feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of online supportive care for individuals living with and beyond lung cancer: a systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Curry, J., Patterson, M., Greenley, S., Pearson, M., & Forbes, C. (in press). Feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of online supportive care for individuals living with and beyond lung cancer: a systematic review. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer,

Purpose: To examine the evidence of the feasibility, acceptability, and potential efficacy of online supportive care interventions for people living with and beyond lung cancer (LWBLC). Methods: Studies were identified through searches of Medline, EM... Read More about Feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of online supportive care for individuals living with and beyond lung cancer: a systematic review.

CANcer BEhavioural nutrition and exercise feasibility trial (CanBenefit); phase I qualitative interview findings (2020)
Journal Article
Swan, F., Chen, H., Forbes, C. C., Johnson, M. J., & Lind, M. (in press). CANcer BEhavioural nutrition and exercise feasibility trial (CanBenefit); phase I qualitative interview findings. Journal of Geriatric Oncology,

Background: Older people with lung cancer are often frail and unfit due to their cancer and co-morbidities and may tolerate cancer treatments poorly. Physical activity (PA) and a healthy diet offer quality of life benefit to people with cancer before... Read More about CANcer BEhavioural nutrition and exercise feasibility trial (CanBenefit); phase I qualitative interview findings.

Physical activity and nutrition interventions for older adults with cancer: a systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Forbes, C. C., Swan, F., Greenley, S. L., Lind, M., & Johnson, M. J. (2020). Physical activity and nutrition interventions for older adults with cancer: a systematic review. Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice, 14(5), 689-711.

Purpose: The aim of this review was to summarize the current literature for the effectiveness of activity and nutritional based interventions on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in older adults living with and beyond cancer (LWBC). Methods: We... Read More about Physical activity and nutrition interventions for older adults with cancer: a systematic review.