Interventions to improve antimicrobial prescribing of doctors in training: The IMPACT (IMProving Antimicrobial presCribing of doctors in Training) realist review
Journal Article
Wong, G., Brennan, N., Mattick, K., Pearson, M., Briscoe, S., & Papoutsi, C. (2015). Interventions to improve antimicrobial prescribing of doctors in training: The IMPACT (IMProving Antimicrobial presCribing of doctors in Training) realist review. BMJ open, 5(10), e009059.
Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance has been described as a global crisis-more prudent prescribing is part of the solution. Behaviour change interventions are needed to improve prescribing practice. Presently, the literature documents that context... Read More about Interventions to improve antimicrobial prescribing of doctors in training: The IMPACT (IMProving Antimicrobial presCribing of doctors in Training) realist review.