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Workplace accommodation for older teachers in Japan and Germany: The role of the institutional context in supporting late career options for teachers with ill health

Schröder, Heike; Higo, Masa; Flynn, Matt


Heike Schröder

Masa Higo

Matt Flynn


Owing to the ageing of their respective populations, policy-makers in Japan and Germany are challenged to extend the working life of individual employees. However, conditions of physical and mental ill health tend to increase with old age, leading to disabilities that affect whether and how individuals can remain active in the labour market. Workplace accommodation is a means to enable disabled individuals to remain productively employed. Drawing on qualitative interview data, this discussion explores how institutions such as School Authorities in Japan and Germany use workplace accommodation to support teachers with physical and mental disabilities. Teachers are a white-collar profession strongly affected by ill health, especially burnout. The discussion furthermore explores how such workplace accommodation measures influence older teachers' career expectations and career outcomes, including thoughts about (early) retirement. It finds that even though the institutional contexts in Japan and Germany are rather similar, career options and expectations vary, though with similar (negative) outcomes for national strategies towards the extension of working lives.


Schröder, H., Higo, M., & Flynn, M. (2016). Workplace accommodation for older teachers in Japan and Germany: The role of the institutional context in supporting late career options for teachers with ill health. management revue - Socio-Economic Studies, 27(1-2), 63-81.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 24, 2015
Publication Date 2016
Deposit Date May 15, 2019
Journal Management Revue
Print ISSN 0935-9915
Publisher Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 27
Issue 1-2
Pages 63-81
Keywords Professional labour markets; Disability; Workplace accommodation; Japan; Germany
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