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Physical and virtual mobility for youth employment in Malawi: Reflections on findings from two research projects

Robson, Elsbeth; Porter, Gina; Munthali, Alister; Hampshire, Kate


Elsbeth Robson

Gina Porter

Alister Munthali

Kate Hampshire


Keetie Roelen

Richard Morgan

Yisak Tafere


Book blurb: Despite important strides in the fight against poverty in the past two decades, child poverty remains widespread and persistent, particularly in Africa. Poverty in all its dimensions is detrimental for early childhood development and often results in unreversed damage to the lives of girls and boys, locking children and families into intergenerational poverty. This edited volume contributes to the policy initiatives aiming to reduce child poverty and academic understanding of child poverty and its solutions by bringing together applied research from across the continent. With the Sustainable Development Goals having opened up an important space for the fight against child poverty, not least by broadening its conceptualization to be multidimensional, this collection aims to push the frontiers by challenging existing narratives around child poverty, exploring alternative understandings of the complexities and dynamics underpinning child poverty, and, crucially, examining policy options that work to address this critical challenge


Robson, E., Porter, G., Munthali, A., & Hampshire, K. (2019). Physical and virtual mobility for youth employment in Malawi: Reflections on findings from two research projects. In K. Roelen, R. Morgan, & Y. Tafere (Eds.), Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa (267–286). Ibidem

Publication Date Sep 30, 2019
Deposit Date May 24, 2022
Pages 267–286
Series Title CROP International Poverty Studies
Series Number 7
Book Title Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa
Chapter Number 10
ISBN 9783838213170
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Porter, G; Hampshire, K; Munthali, A; Robson, E. 2019 ‘Physical and virtual mobility for youth employment in Malawi: Reflections on findings from two research projects’ in Roelen, K; Morgan, R & Tafere, Y (eds) Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa pp267 – 286 ibidem Verlag: Stuttgart.