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The coalition and the conservatives

Norton, Philip



Anthony Seldon

Mike Finn


© Cambridge University Press 2015. The effect on the Conservative Party of being in a coalition government from May 2010 onwards was profound. It challenged the essence of the party's approach to government. It did so in two respects. First, the party was used to being in government – it was the ‘in’ party in British politics throughout the twentieth century – and to being in office as a single-party government. British Conservatism has a rich pedigree, but parties, as Robert Blake observed, rarely philosophize when in office. The party has seen itself as a practical party of government, attuned to British interests, and able to act in those interests. Power has been a necessary condition for pursuing those interests. ‘Of all the features of the Conservative Power’, wrote Richard Rose, ‘the intense concern with winning elections and holding office is the most notable.’ The party had some experience of coalition, or national government, but this was almost wholly in conditions where it could have governed alone. It was not dependent on its coalition partners to deliver a majority. Second, the party is hierarchical and the emphasis historically has been on the role of the leader. Ultimate authority has been vested in the leader, with other bodies serving in an advisory capacity. The leader has been the fount of all policy. The leader selects the members of the Conservative front bench and those who will lead the party organization. When in office, the leader has exercised all the prerogatives of the monarch's first minister. As Lawrence Lowell laconically observed at the start of the twentieth century, ‘When appointed, the leader leads and the party follows.’ Though the relationship has not been as Hobbesian as these comments may suggest, leaders have nonetheless been able to rely for much of the time on the loyalty of MPs and party activists. The party has a reputation for being prepared to axe unsuccessful leaders, but until the time comes for execution has proved loyal.


Norton, P. (2015). The coalition and the conservatives. In A. Seldon, & M. Finn (Eds.), The Coalition Effect, 2010–2015 (467-491). Cambridge University Press.

Online Publication Date Apr 1, 2015
Publication Date Apr 1, 2015
Deposit Date Apr 1, 2022
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Pages 467-491
Book Title The Coalition Effect, 2010–2015
Chapter Number 17
ISBN 9781107080614
Public URL