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A novel integrated solar tri-generation system for cooling, freshwater and electricity production purpose: Energy, economic and environmental performance analysis

Dabwan, Yousef N.; Pei, Gang; Gao, Guangtao; Feng, Junsheng; Li, Jing


Yousef N. Dabwan

Gang Pei

Guangtao Gao

Junsheng Feng


This article presents the results of a thermodynamic-economic-environmental analysis of integrating linear Fresnel reflector (LFR) with a tri-generation system. The optimal integrated solar field size has been identified and the pertinent reduction in CO2 emissions due to solar integration is estimated. For the considered tri-generation plant (that is required to produce 110 MWe of electricity from steam turbines, 45461 m3/day of freshwater and 2300 kg/s of chilled water), the study revealed that the optimal configuration is the integration of 83.6 hectares of LFR solar field with the tri-generation plant of 130 MWe, which gives a levelized electricity cost of 6.37 USȻ/kWh with 96.40 k-tonne reduction of the annual CO2 emission. The study also revealed that the integration of LFR technology with a conventional tri-generation system (TGS) in high insolation regions has more economic feasibility compared to equivalent TGS integrated with CO2 capturing technology while achieving the same emissions reduction result.


Dabwan, Y. N., Pei, G., Gao, G., Feng, J., & Li, J. (2020). A novel integrated solar tri-generation system for cooling, freshwater and electricity production purpose: Energy, economic and environmental performance analysis. Solar Energy, 198, 139-150.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 15, 2020
Online Publication Date Jan 25, 2020
Publication Date Mar 1, 2020
Deposit Date Mar 24, 2022
Journal Solar Energy
Print ISSN 0038-092X
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 198
Pages 139-150
Public URL