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Sustainable stochastic production and procurement problem for resilient supply chain

Kaur, Harpreet; Singh, Surya Prakash; Garza-Reyes, Jose Arturo; Mishra, Nishikant


Harpreet Kaur

Surya Prakash Singh

Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes


© 2018 Elsevier Ltd Traditionally business organizations take production and procurement decisions independently. First, the decision is made on product mix and then procurement plan is developed. However, procurement for all the dependent items is computed using bill of material information of independent items. Any market uncertainty in demand of independent items does not only affects production plan but also the procurement process. Also, sustainability is an essential business aspect and must be considered in production and procurement decisions. Hence, there is a need to develop a resilient integrated production and procurement model capable to capture the fluctuating market demand and also uncertainties in production, supplier & carrier capacities. The paper proposes an independent and integrated production and procurement model considering sustainability and uncertainty for a resilient supply chain. Various possible uncertainties such as market demand, machine capacity, supplier and carrier capacities in the presence of carbon emissions is also considered in the proposed models. The paper also proposed a supplier selection model under uncertainty using Fuzzy-MCDM techniques. The proposed models are MILP & MINLP, and are demonstrated using numerical illustrations solved in LINGO 10. The performance analysis is also conducted and it is found that the integrated model will always provide a more efficient optimal solution while traditional independent production & procurement models may even lead to infeasible solution.


Kaur, H., Singh, S. P., Garza-Reyes, J. A., & Mishra, N. (2020). Sustainable stochastic production and procurement problem for resilient supply chain. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 139, Article 105560.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 6, 2018
Online Publication Date Dec 6, 2018
Publication Date 2020-01
Deposit Date Jun 8, 2022
Journal Computers and Industrial Engineering
Print ISSN 0360-8352
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 139
Article Number 105560
Keywords Resilient procurement model; Product mix; Sustainability; Uncertain demand and capacity; Bill of materials; Mixed integer linear program (MILP); Mixed Integer Non-Linear Program (MINLP); Fuzzy-MCDM
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