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Refining the Teaching of Programming

Gordon, Neil; Cargill, Mike; Grey, Simon; Brayshaw, Mike


Mike Cargill

Mike Brayshaw


This paper considers issues around the teaching of programming, a critical yet challenging part of the computing education at all levels. This paper begins by outlining some of the key concerns around computing education-from secondary school, through further education, and in higher education. The paper describes some of the practical problems with teaching programming, through two case studies that identify some of the difficulties in learning to program. The case studies outline some approaches to supporting and scaffolding the learning of programming, with programming tutors and more specialized programming environments. The paper considers ways in which novice programmer behaviour can be tracked by appropriate technologies, e.g. via tools such as source control, or through additions to a development environment). Whilst this is within the context of English education, many issues are common elsewhere, and the paper provides some suggestions on addressing these problems. The paper concludes with some suggestions on way to adapt and use these approaches in the teaching of programming.


Gordon, N., Cargill, M., Grey, S., & Brayshaw, M. (2020, July). Refining the Teaching of Programming. Presented at INSPIRE XXV: e-Learning as a Solution during Unprecedented Times in the 21st Century, Online

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name INSPIRE XXV: e-Learning as a Solution during Unprecedented Times in the 21st Century
Start Date Jul 16, 2020
Acceptance Date Sep 20, 2020
Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Sep 28, 2020
Publisher Solent University
Pages 97-107
Series Title INSPIRE Conference Proceedings
Book Title INSPIRE XXV : e-Learning as a solution during unprecedented times in the 21st Century
ISBN 9781999654948
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information A paper from the twenty fifth International Conference on Software Process Improvement Research, Education and Training, INSPIRE 2020, held remotely, organised by Solent University and the e-Learning Specialist Group of the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.