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Women's experimental poetry in Britain 1970-2010: body, time and locale

Kennedy, David G; Kennedy, Christine


David G Kennedy

Christine Kennedy


The introduction to the recent anthology Infinite Difference: Other poetries by UK women poets noted ‘the still dismissive and gendered critical language often used to describe women's poetry'. This is certainly true in the case of British women's experimental poetries. If such poetries are discussed at all, they are usually treated as an aesthetic offshoot of second wave feminism or used as counters in larger, post-structuralist-inflected arguments about language and identity. Britannia's New Tongues seeks to redress this imbalance by offering the first book-length study of a range of poetries produced after 1970. Christine Kennedy and David Kennedy argue that paying close attention to how women poets engage with the body, locale, and temporality not only reveals the originality of British women's experimental poetry but also suggests new ways of reading the experimental in a wider sense.


Kennedy, D. G., & Kennedy, C. (2013). Women's experimental poetry in Britain 1970-2010: body, time and locale. Liverpool University Press

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Nov 4, 2013
Deposit Date Dec 19, 2014
Publisher Liverpool University Press
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Book Title Women's experimental poetry in Britain 1970-2010: body, time and locale
ISBN 978-1-84631-977-8
Keywords Poetry
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Dec 19, 2014