H. Ahmed
Medication adherence in patients with severe asthma prescribed oral corticosteroids in the U-BIOPRED cohort
Ahmed, H.; Auffray, C.; Bakke, P.; Bush, A.; Baribaud, F.; Bates, Stewart; Bel, E. H.; Bigler, J.; Bisgaard, H.; Boedigheimer, M. J.; Bønnelykke, K.; Brandsma, J.; Brinkman, P.; Bucchioni, E.; Burg, D.; Caruso, M.; Chaiboonchoe, A.; Chanez, P.; Chung, F. K.; Compton, C. H.; Corfield, J.; D'Amico, A.; Dahlèn, B.; De Meulder, B.; Djukanovic, R.; Erpenbeck, V. J.; Erzen, D.; Fichtner, K.; Fitch, N.; Fleming, L. J.; Formaggio, E.; Fowler, S. J.; Frey, U.; Gahlemann, M.; Geiser, T.; Goss, V.; Guo, Y.; Hashimoto, S.; Haughney, J.; Hedlin, G.; Hekking, P. W.; Higenbottam, T.; Hohlfeld, J. M.; Holweg, C.; Horváth, I.; Howarth, P.; James, A. J.; Knowles, R. G.; Knox, A. J.; Krug, N.; Lefaudeux, D.; Loza, M. J.; Lutter, R.; Manta, A.; Masefield, S.; Matthews, J. G.; Mazein, A.; Meiser, A.; Middelveld, R. J.M.; Miralpeix, M.; Montuschi, P.; Mores, N.; Murray, C. S.; Musial, J.; Myles, D.; Singer, Florian; Wagers, Scott; Chung, Kian Fan; Dahlen, Sven Erik; Dahlén, Barbro; Horvath, Ildiko; Sun, Kai...
C. Auffray
P. Bakke
A. Bush
F. Baribaud
Stewart Bates
E. H. Bel
J. Bigler
H. Bisgaard
M. J. Boedigheimer
K. Bønnelykke
J. Brandsma
P. Brinkman
E. Bucchioni
D. Burg
M. Caruso
A. Chaiboonchoe
P. Chanez
F. K. Chung
C. H. Compton
J. Corfield
A. D'Amico
B. Dahlèn
B. De Meulder
R. Djukanovic
V. J. Erpenbeck
D. Erzen
K. Fichtner
N. Fitch
L. J. Fleming
E. Formaggio
S. J. Fowler
U. Frey
M. Gahlemann
T. Geiser
V. Goss
Y. Guo
S. Hashimoto
J. Haughney
G. Hedlin
P. W. Hekking
T. Higenbottam
J. M. Hohlfeld
C. Holweg
I. Horváth
P. Howarth
A. J. James
R. G. Knowles
A. J. Knox
N. Krug
D. Lefaudeux
M. J. Loza
R. Lutter
A. Manta
S. Masefield
J. G. Matthews
A. Mazein
A. Meiser
R. J.M. Middelveld
M. Miralpeix
P. Montuschi
N. Mores
C. S. Murray
J. Musial
D. Myles
Florian Singer
Scott Wagers
Kian Fan Chung
Sven Erik Dahlen
Barbro Dahlén
Ildiko Horvath
Kai Sun
Ioannis Pandis
Fahad H Alahmadi
Dr Andrew Simpson A.Simpson2@hull.ac.uk
Cristina Gomez
Magnus Ericsson
John Olof Thörngren
Craig Wheelock
Dominic E Shaw
Louise J Fleming
Graham Roberts
John Riley
Stewart Bates
Ana R Sousa
Richard Knowles
Aruna T Bansal
Julie Corfield
Ioannis Pandis
Kai Sun
Per S Bakke
Massimo Caruso
Pascal Chanez
Barbro Dahlén
Ildiko Horvath
Norbert Krug
Paolo Montuschi
Florian Singer
Scott Wagers
Ian M Adcock
Ratko Djukanovic
Kian Fan Chung
Peter J Sterk
Sven Erik Dahlen
Stephen J Fowler
U-BOPRED Study Group
Background: Although estimates of suboptimal adherence to oral corticosteroids in asthma range from 30% to 50%, no ideal method for measurement exists; the impact of poor adherence in severe asthma is likely to be particularly high. Research Questions: What is the prevalence of suboptimal adherence detected by self-reporting and direct measures? Is suboptimal adherence associated with disease activity? Study Design and Methods: Data were included from individuals with severe asthma taking part in the U-BIOPRED (Unbiased Biomarkers for the Prediction of Respiratory Disease Outcomes) study and prescribed daily oral corticosteroids. Participants completed the Medication Adherence Report Scale, a five-item questionnaire used to grade adherence on a scale from 1 to 5, and provided a urine sample for analysis of prednisolone and metabolites by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results: Data from 166 participants were included in this study: mean (SD) age, 54.2 (± 11.9) years; FEV1, 65.1% (± 20.5%) predicted; female, 58%; 37% completing the Medication Adherence Report Scale reported suboptimal adherence; and 43% with urinary corticosteroid data did not have detectable prednisolone or metabolites in their urine. Good adherence by both methods was detected in 49 of the 142 (35%) of participants in whom both methods were performed; adherence detection did not match between methods in 53%. Self-reported high adherers had better asthma control and quality of life, whereas directly measured high adherers had lower blood eosinophil levels. Interpretation: Low adherence is a common problem in severe asthma, whether measured directly or self-reported. We report poor agreement between the two methods, suggesting some disassociation between self-assessment of medication adherence and regular oral corticosteroid use, which suggests that each approach may provide complementary information in clinical practice.
Ahmed, H., Auffray, C., Bakke, P., Bush, A., Baribaud, F., Bates, S., Bel, E. H., Bigler, J., Bisgaard, H., Boedigheimer, M. J., Bønnelykke, K., Brandsma, J., Brinkman, P., Bucchioni, E., Burg, D., Caruso, M., Chaiboonchoe, A., Chanez, P., Chung, F. K., Compton, C. H., …Study Group, U.-B. (2021). Medication adherence in patients with severe asthma prescribed oral corticosteroids in the U-BIOPRED cohort. Chest, 160(1), 53-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2021.02.023
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Feb 2, 2021 |
Online Publication Date | Feb 19, 2021 |
Publication Date | Jul 1, 2021 |
Deposit Date | Feb 3, 2021 |
Publicly Available Date | Feb 20, 2022 |
Journal | Chest |
Print ISSN | 0012-3692 |
Electronic ISSN | 1931-3543 |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 160 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 53-64 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2021.02.023 |
Keywords | Asthma; Adherence; Urinary corticosteroids |
Public URL | https://hull-repository.worktribe.com/output/3709738 |
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