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Discreteness and the Welfare Cost of Labour Supply Tax Distortions

Bhattarai, Keshab; Whalley, John


John Whalley


We compare the welfare costs of tax distortions of labour supply in one and two member household discrete and continuous labour supply (leisure consumption) choice models calibrated to the same aggregate uncompensated labour supply elasticities. In the discrete models taxes induce a large response from a subset of the population, while the majority of the population exhibits unchanged behaviour. In contrast the majority of the population reacts to tax changes in continuous models. Discrete choice matters as the welfare costs of similar taxes vary significantly different when individuals face discrete labour supply choices than when they choose working hours continuously.


Bhattarai, K., & Whalley, J. Discreteness and the Welfare Cost of Labour Supply Tax Distortions

Working Paper Type Working Paper
Deposit Date Feb 16, 2021
Series Title Department of Economics Research Reports
Series Number 2002-03
Series ISSN 0318-725X
Public URL
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