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Hydroxyl-group-modified polymeric carbon nitride with the highly selective hydrogenation of nitrobenzene toN-phenylhydroxylamine under visible light

Pei, Linjuan; Tan, Hao; Liu, Meixian; Wang, Ruiyi; Gu, Xianmo; Ke, Xuebin; Jia, Jianfeng; Zheng, Zhanfeng


Linjuan Pei

Hao Tan

Meixian Liu

Ruiyi Wang

Xianmo Gu

Xuebin Ke

Jianfeng Jia

Zhanfeng Zheng


Regulating the surface properties of catalysts to control the selectivity of a reaction is a fascinating approach. Bulk polymeric carbon nitride exhibits a poorN-phenylhydroxylamine yield in nitrobenzene reduction reaction mainly due to the uncontrollable condensation side reactions. Thus, adjusting the structure of the catalyst was key to solving the above issue. Herein, -OH groups-modified polymeric carbon nitride was preparedviaa simple hydrothermal treatment. With the introduced -OH groups replacing the terminal amino groups (-NH2) at the surface of the polymeric carbon nitride, a 3-fold increase in reaction rate was achieved, along with a high selectivity towardN-phenylhydroxylamine (ca.80%). The introduced -OH group was found to be beneficial to the adsorption of the nitrobenzene, based on the density functional theory (DFT) calculation. It could also lower the recombination rate of photoinduced electron-hole pairs, which would accelerate the photocatalytic oxidation of isopropanol and supply more protons to participate in the hydrogen-transfer process. Moreover, the elevated conduction band position after -OH modification would provide high energetic photogenerated electrons to promote the reduction of nitrobenzene. These are all important to guarantee the highly selective production ofN-phenylhydroxylamine. This paper not only provides a simple and green approach for the modification of polymeric carbon nitride toward an efficient photocatalyst, but also sheds light on the further study of the selective hydrogenation.


Pei, L., Tan, H., Liu, M., Wang, R., Gu, X., Ke, X., Jia, J., & Zheng, Z. (2021). Hydroxyl-group-modified polymeric carbon nitride with the highly selective hydrogenation of nitrobenzene toN-phenylhydroxylamine under visible light. Green chemistry : an international journal and green chemistry resource : GC, 23(10), 3612-3622.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 12, 2021
Online Publication Date Apr 12, 2021
Publication Date May 21, 2021
Deposit Date May 27, 2021
Publicly Available Date May 28, 2021
Journal Green Chemistry
Print ISSN 1463-9262
Publisher Royal Society of Chemistry
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 23
Issue 10
Pages 3612-3622
Keywords Pollution; Environmental Chemistry
Public URL


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