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Effects of creatine monohydrate supplementation on simulated soccer performance

Williams, Jeremy; Abt, Grant; Kilding, Andrew E.


Jeremy Williams

Grant Abt

Andrew E. Kilding


Purpose: To determine the effects of acute short-term creatine (Cr) supplementation on physical performance during a 90-min soccer-specific performance test. Methods: A double-blind, placebo-controlled experimental design was adopted during which 16 male amateur soccer players were required to consume 20 g/d Cr for 7 d or a placebo. A Ball-Sport Endurance and Speed Test (BEAST) comprising measures of aerobic (circuit time), speed (12- and 20-m sprint), and explosive-power (vertical jump) abilities performed over 90 min was performed presupplementation and postsupplementation. Results: Performance measures during the BEAST deteriorated during the second half relative to the first for both Cr (1.2–2.3%) and placebo (1.0–2.2%) groups, indicating a fatigue effect associated with the BEAST. However, no significant differences existed between groups, suggesting that Cr had no performance-enhancing effect or ability to offset fatigue. When effect sizes were considered, some measures (12-m sprint, –0.53 ± 0.69; 20-m sprint, –0.39 ± 0.59) showed a negative tendency, indicating chances of harm were greater than chances of benefit. Conclusions: Acute short-term Cr supplementation has no beneficial effect on physical measures obtained during a 90-min soccer-simulation test, thus bringing into question its potential as an effective ergogenic aid for soccer players.


Williams, J., Abt, G., & Kilding, A. E. (2014). Effects of creatine monohydrate supplementation on simulated soccer performance. International journal of sports physiology and performance : IJSPP, 9(3), 503-510.

Acceptance Date Dec 1, 2013
Publication Date 2014-05
Deposit Date Nov 9, 2015
Publicly Available Date Nov 23, 2017
Journal International journal of sports physiology & performance
Print ISSN 1555-0265
Publisher Human Kinetics
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Issue 3
Pages 503-510
Keywords Intermittent, Nutrition, Ergogenic, Team sport, Football
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Author's accepted manuscript of article published in: International journal of sports physiology & performance, 2014, v.9, issue 3, as accepted for publication.
Contract Date Nov 23, 2017


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