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Maternal smoking, birth weight, and infant health

Silles, Mary


Mary Silles


Recent research into the implications of birth weight for infant health, and the implications of smoking during pregnancy for birth weight, may be plagued with omitted variable bias. In this study, two unique British longitudinal data sets on children and their mothers are used to address this issue. Cross sectional and panel estimates which exploit within-sibling differences in data suggest that improvements in birth weight will produce healthier children especially among women at risk of delivering low birth weight infants. Furthermore, the fixed estimates imply the benefits of smoking cessation among pregnant women are greatly exaggerated by the well-documented cross-sectional estimates. The results suggest that smoking during pregnancy reduces birth weight on average by 100 grams.


Silles, M. Maternal smoking, birth weight, and infant health

Deposit Date Feb 9, 2016
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Book Title Maternal smoking, birth weight, and infant health
ISBN 9781906422288
Keywords Smoking, Birth weight, Endogeneity bias
Public URL
Contract Date Feb 9, 2016


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