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Delayed response to animate implied motion in human motion processing areas

Lorteije, Jeannette A.M.; Kenemans, L; Kenemans, J. Leon; Jellema, Tjeerd; van der Lubbe, Rob H.J.; de Heer, Frederiek; van Wezel, Richard J.A.


Jeannette A.M. Lorteije

L Kenemans

J. Leon Kenemans

Tjeerd Jellema

Rob H.J. van der Lubbe

Frederiek de Heer

Richard J.A. van Wezel


Viewing static photographs of objects in motion evokes higher fMRI activation in the human medial temporal complex ( MT+) than looking at similar photographs without this implied motion. As MT+ is traditionally thought to be involved in motion perception ( and not in form perception), this finding suggests feedback from object-recognition areas onto MT+. To investigate this hypothesis, we recorded extracranial potentials evoked by the sight of photographs of biological agents with and without implied motion. The difference in potential between responses to pictures with and without implied motion was maximal between 260 and 400 msec after stimulus onset. Source analysis of this difference revealed one bilateral, symmetrical dipole pair in the occipital lobe. This area also showed a response to real motion, but approximately 100 msec earlier than the implied motion response. The longer latency of the implied motion response in comparison to the real motion response is consistent with a feedback projection onto MT+ following object recognition in higher-level temporal areas.


Lorteije, J. A., Kenemans, J. L., Jellema, T., van der Lubbe, R. H., de Heer, F., & van Wezel, R. J. (2006). Delayed response to animate implied motion in human motion processing areas. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 18(2), 158-168.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Mar 29, 2006
Publication Date 2006-02
Print ISSN 0898-929X
Publisher Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 18
Issue 2
Pages 158-168
Keywords Cognitive Neuroscience
Public URL
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