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Measuring Wellbeing in an Age of Austerity

Lee, Simon


Profile image of Simon Lee

Dr Simon Lee
Senior Lecturer/ Faculty Ethics Committee


Catherine Coron

Louise Dalingwater


The authors of this volume set out to find whether there are any specific cultural features of the Anglo-American notion of wellbeing or whether there is a specific model. Among the wealth of literature on wellbeing over the last few years, a number of studies (mainly empirical) have analysed the impact of different cultures on wellbeing. Nevertheless, studies of the influence of culture and different civilisations have tended to take a very broad perspective (East-West, the Western world vs the developing world, collective vs individualistic cultures). This volume takes quite a different approach by exploring the influence of culture within the Anglosphere and more particularly Anglo-American wellbeing, to examine whether two countries, with similar cultural roots and strong adherence to neo-liberal policies, conceive of wellbeing in the same manner.


Lee, S. (2017). Measuring Wellbeing in an Age of Austerity. In C. Coron, & L. Dalingwater (Eds.), Wellbeing: Challenging the Anglo-Saxon Hegemony (81-93). Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle

Publication Date 2017
Deposit Date May 4, 2022
Pages 81-93
Book Title Wellbeing: Challenging the Anglo-Saxon Hegemony
ISBN 9782878547115
Public URL
Publisher URL