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Lessons Learnt on the Transition from Preschool to Primary School in Mexico.

Garcia-Cabrero, Benilde; Urbina Garcia, Angel; Myers, Robert G.; Ledesma-Rodea, Anisai; Rangel-Cantero, Maria Andrea


Benilde Garcia-Cabrero

Profile image of Angel Urbina Garcia

Dr Angel Urbina Garcia
Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes and Lecturer in Early Childhood

Robert G. Myers

Anisai Ledesma-Rodea

Maria Andrea Rangel-Cantero


Bob Perry

Sue Dockett

Divya Jindal-Snape

Benilde Garcia-Cabrero


This chapter showcases some of the pioneering studies conducted in Mexico that explored how transition from preschool to primary school is experienced by different stakeholders within the socio-political context of Mexican education. Overall, the Mexican education system seems to offer limited continuity between the preschool/kindergarten and the primary school with important implications for children’s personal development and school transition. Longitudinal studies reveal that intervention programs informed by international research seem to support positively the development of children’s skills having a long-term effect. Cross-sectional intervention programs seem to help children develop interpersonal and academic skills that help them navigate this transition. Some parents, teachers, and headteachers seem to recognise the importance of this period of change; however, they do not seem to deploy effective strategies to support this change. Implications of Mexican educational policies during this transition are discussed.


Garcia-Cabrero, B., Urbina Garcia, A., Myers, R. G., Ledesma-Rodea, A., & Rangel-Cantero, M. A. (2022). Lessons Learnt on the Transition from Preschool to Primary School in Mexico. In A. Urbina-Garcia, B. Perry, S. Dockett, D. Jindal-Snape, & B. Garcia-Cabrero (Eds.), Transitions to School: Perspectives and Experiences from Latin America (67-86). (1). Springer

Publication Date Jul 30, 2022
Deposit Date Apr 1, 2022
Publisher Springer
Pages 67-86
Series Title International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development.
Series Number 37
Series ISSN 2468-8746
Edition 1
Book Title Transitions to School: Perspectives and Experiences from Latin America.
Chapter Number 4
ISBN 9783030989347
Keywords Transition to School; Preschool Transition; Latin America
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Mar 1, 2022