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Modelling the electromagnetic separation of non-metallic particles from liquid metal flowing through a two-stage multichannel

Shu, Da; Mi, J.; Wang, Jun; Sun, Baode


Da Shu

Jun Wang

Baode Sun


A two-stage multichannel was designed to increase the efficiency of separating non-metallic particles from liquid metal flowing through an alternating magnetic field. Numerical method was developed to calculate the particle concentration and separation efficiency of a zinc melt containing dross particles and verified by the experimental results. The distribution of particle concentration and axial fluid velocity changed significantly due to the added walls in the sub-channel, resulting in an abrupt increase in the residence time of the inner bulk melt with high particle concentrations and a remarkable increase in particle separation efficiency when flowing through the single-channel to sub-channels. A multistage and multichannel arrangement is hence recommended for further increase in the separation efficiency of an electromagnetic separator.


Shu, D., Mi, J., Wang, J., & Sun, B. (2011). Modelling the electromagnetic separation of non-metallic particles from liquid metal flowing through a two-stage multichannel. Isij International, 51(1), 21-26.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 24, 2010
Publication Date 2011
Publicly Available Date Sep 13, 2018
Journal ISIJ International
Print ISSN 0915-1559
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 51
Issue 1
Pages 21-26
Keywords Mechanical Engineering; Materials Chemistry; Mechanics of Materials; Metals and Alloys
Public URL