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Contrasts in short- and long-term responses of Mediterranean reptile species to fire and habitat structure

Santos, Xavier; Badiane, Arnaud; Matos, Cátia


Xavier Santos

Arnaud Badiane


Changes in habitat structure constitute a major factor explaining responses of reptiles to fire. However, few studies have examined habitat factors that covary with fire-history variables to explain reptile responses. We hypothesise that more complex habitats should support richer reptile communities, and that species-specific relative abundance should be related to particular habitat features. From spring 2012–2014, twenty-five transects were surveyed in the Albera Region (north-east Iberia). The vegetation structure was measured and the extent of habitat types in a 1000-m buffer around each transect calculated. Reptile-community metrics (species richness and reptile abundance) were related to fire history, vegetation structure, and habitat types, using generalized additive models. These metrics correlated with habitat-structure variables but not with fire history. The number of species increased with more complex habitats but decreased with pine-plantation abundance in the 1000-m buffer. We found contrasting responses among reptiles in terms of time since fire and those responses differed according to vegetation variables and habitat types. An unplanned fire in August 2012 provided the opportunity to compare reptile abundance values between pre-fire and the short term (1–2 years) after the fire. Most species exhibited a negative short-term response to the 2012 fire except Tarentola mauritanica, a gecko that inhabits large rocks, as opposed to other ground-dwelling species. In the reptiles studied, contrasting responses to time since fire are consistent with the habitat–accommodation model of succession. These differences are linked to specific microhabitat preferences and suggest that functional traits can be used to predict species-specific responses to fire.


Santos, X., Badiane, A., & Matos, C. (2016). Contrasts in short- and long-term responses of Mediterranean reptile species to fire and habitat structure. Oecologia, 180(1), 205-216.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 8, 2015
Online Publication Date Sep 25, 2015
Publication Date Jan 1, 2016
Deposit Date Dec 14, 2022
Journal Oecologia
Print ISSN 0029-8549
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 180
Issue 1
Pages 205-216
Keywords Disturbance; Repeated-fire regime; Reptiles; Habitat–accommodation model; Microhabitat preferences
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