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DEIS: Dependability Engineering Innovation for Industrial CPS

Armengaud, Eric; Macher, Georg; Massoner, Alexander; Frager, Sebastian; Adler, Rasmus; Schneider, Daniel; Longo, Simone; Melis, Massimiliano; Groppo, Riccardo; Villa, Federica; O’Leary, Padraig; Bambury, Kevin; Finnegan, Anita; Zeller, Marc; Höfig, Kai; Papadopoulos, Yiannis; Hawkins, Richard; Kelly, Tim


Eric Armengaud

Georg Macher

Alexander Massoner

Sebastian Frager

Rasmus Adler

Daniel Schneider

Simone Longo

Massimiliano Melis

Riccardo Groppo

Federica Villa

Padraig O’Leary

Kevin Bambury

Anita Finnegan

Marc Zeller

Kai Höfig

Richard Hawkins

Tim Kelly


Carolin Zachäus

Beate Müller

Gereon Meyer


The open and cooperative nature of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) poses new challenges in assuring dependability. The DEIS project (Dependability Engineering Innovation for automotive CPS. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732242, see ) addresses these challenges by developing technologies that form a science of dependable system integration. In the core of these technologies lies the concept of a Digital Dependability Identity (DDI) of a component or system. DDIs are modular, composable, and executable in the field facilitating (a) efficient synthesis of component and system dependability information over the supply chain and (b) effective evaluation of this information in-the-field for safe and secure composition of highly distributed and autonomous CPS. The paper outlines the DDI concept and opportunities for application in four industrial use cases.


Armengaud, E., Macher, G., Massoner, A., Frager, S., Adler, R., Schneider, D., Longo, S., Melis, M., Groppo, R., Villa, F., O’Leary, P., Bambury, K., Finnegan, A., Zeller, M., Höfig, K., Papadopoulos, Y., Hawkins, R., & Kelly, T. (2018). DEIS: Dependability Engineering Innovation for Industrial CPS. In C. Zachäus, B. Müller, & G. Meyer (Eds.), Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2017 : Smart Systems Transforming the Automobile (151-163). Springer.

Online Publication Date Aug 31, 2017
Publication Date 2018
Deposit Date Apr 17, 2023
Publisher Springer
Pages 151-163
Series Title Lecture Notes in Mobility
Series ISSN 2196-5544 ; 2196-5552
Book Title Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2017 : Smart Systems Transforming the Automobile
ISBN 9783319669717 ; 9783319883557
Keywords Safety; Security; Digital Dependability Identity (DDI); Automotive; Railways; Healthcare
Public URL