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Al2O3–H2O nanofluids for cooling PEM fuel cells: A critical assessment

Zeiny, Aimen; Al-Baghdadi, Maher A.R.; Arear, Ward F.; Ismail, Mohammed S.


Aimen Zeiny

Maher A.R. Al-Baghdadi

Ward F. Arear

Profile image of Mohammed Ismail

Dr Mohammed Ismail
Senior Lecturer - Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies


Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells are promising eco-friendly and sustainable power generation technology. Thermal management of these cells is one of the main challenges facing their commercialization. Alumina nanofluids, in addition to others, have been proposed to overcome excess heat generated within the PEM fuel cell stacks. However, most the previous studies investigated the hydrothermal performance of the nanofluids as a function of Reynolds number (Re). It is evident that all parameters must be kept constants except one to examine its effect on the performance. To this end, choosing Re as a parameter (independent variable) is problematic as it is a function not only of nanofluid's velocity, but also its density and viscosity. In this study, a well-validated CFD model has been built to simulate the hydrothermal performance of alumina nanofluids of different volumetric concentrations (0%, 0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2%) as functions of Re (170 < Re < 530), flow rate (20 ml/min ≤ Vf ≤ 50 ml/min), and pumping power (0.025 mW < Pp < 0.3 mW). This study shows a maximum reduction of 7.9% in the thermal effectiveness and a maximum increase of 6% in the pumping power when using the nanofluids instead of water. This deterioration in the hydrothermal performance is due to the reduction in the effective specific heat capacity and increase in viscosity of the nanofluids. Also, it is concluded that it is incorrect to use Re as an independent variable in analysing the hydrothermal performance of nanofluids because of the dependency of Re on some of the thermophysical properties of the nanofluids, which are functions of the concentration. Adopting such analysing procedure leads to false conclusions.


Zeiny, A., Al-Baghdadi, M. A., Arear, W. F., & Ismail, M. S. (2022). Al2O3–H2O nanofluids for cooling PEM fuel cells: A critical assessment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(91), 38823-38836.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 4, 2022
Online Publication Date Sep 24, 2022
Publication Date Nov 15, 2022
Deposit Date Jan 21, 2023
Publicly Available Date Sep 25, 2023
Journal International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Print ISSN 0360-3199
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 47
Issue 91
Pages 38823-38836
Keywords Fuel cell; Cooling management; Hydrothermal performance; Nanofluid
Public URL


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