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A comparative study of selected aspects of in-service education as between Nigeria and England and Wales

Tekenah, Victoria Abba


Victoria Abba Tekenah


Colin Brock


This piece of work is concerned with an examination of some selected innovations of in-service education and training available to teachers in England and Wales and how this compares with Nigeria, with special reference to their potential application in the Rivers State.

The four selected aspects of in-service for this study
a) the school-focused idea;
b) the induction year;
c) the professional tutor/centre concept;
d) the teachers' centre movement.

Prior to this, the investigator carried out an opinion seeking survey of teachers and educationists in the Rivers State to ascertain their attitudes towards the introduction of such practices in their schools. This formed the basis of the detailed investigation of four teachers' centres and three secondary comprehensive schools in Humberside and North Yorkshire Local Education Authorities.

The main body of the work is divided into four parts comprising of ten chapters and a conclusion. Part A is concerned with the definition and scope of study with a review of the literature.

Part B examines the structure of in-service education in England and Wales and Nigeria. The design and method of empirical research with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of results and a comparison between the documentary evidence and empirical findings constitutes Part C.

Part D is concerned with recommendations arising from the research especially in respect of the possibility of introducing the selected INSET innovations in the Rivers State of Nigeria.

A summary of the study would be that a great majority of the educationists in Rivers State are in favour of introducing these aspects of INSET into their schools, while the results of the case studies from England and Wales show that most teachers who are engaged in school-focused INSET and attend teachers' centre courses believe the experience to have been beneficial to them by improving their professional competence. Professional tutors and probationers also see the introduction of the professional tutor and arrangements for the induction year as invaluable sources of in-service education. Chief Advisers of in-service education and wardens of teachers' centres in Humberside and North Yorkshire also share similar views.

Certain recommendations and their implications as regards the adoption, part adoption or even rejection of these practices are made by the researcher in the conclusion.


Tekenah, V. A. A comparative study of selected aspects of in-service education as between Nigeria and England and Wales. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Sep 7, 2015
Publicly Available Date Feb 23, 2023
Keywords Education
Public URL
Additional Information Department of Education, The University of Hull
Award Date Jul 1, 1987


Thesis (34.9 Mb)

Copyright Statement
© 1987 Tekenah, Victoria Abba. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.

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