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A study of clinicopathological characteristics, symptoms and patients experiences related to outcomes in people with cancer and I-PE

Benelhaj, Naima E.


Naima E. Benelhaj


Anthony Maraveyas

Miriam (Miriam J.) Johnson


Background: The clinical course of incidental pulmonary embolism in cancer population represents an area of controversy. It presents a growing challenge for clinicians because of a lack of prospective data.

Aim: This research aims to investigate the impact of an incidentally diagnosed pulmonary embolism on cancer population’ outcomes and to explore their experience of living with cancer and i-PE. The second aim was to explore the role of the key thrombogenic biomarkers as a predictive biomarker of thrombosis.

Methods: Mixed method research with critical integrative analysis. A systematic literature review and qualitative analysis to examine patients’ experience of living with cancer-associated thrombosis. A prospective observational case-controlled cohort study with embedded semi-structured interview study to investigate the quality of life and patients’ experience of living with cancer and incidental pulmonary embolism. A retrospective case control-study and scientific analysis of defined biological key factors associated with thrombosis.

Results: The diagnosis of cancer-associated thrombosis including incidental pulmonary embolism negatively affect patients’ life, and patients experience this diagnosis in the context of living with cancer. Yet it is a diagnosis that often misattributed, misdiagnosed and associated with lack of information among patients and some of the clinical care professionals. The scientific analysis of the biological biomarkers illustrates the potential role of TF-mRNA as a predictive biomarker for cancer- associated incidental pulmonary embolism and the role of anti-factor ten anticoagulation in reducing the risk of thrombosis.

Conclusion: Awareness of patients and care professionals regarding the high risk of thrombosis among cancer population represent an urgent need. Risk assessment tools to predict patients at increased risk of thrombosis would be of value and help target education and reduce the risk of diagnostic overshadowing.


Benelhaj, N. E. A study of clinicopathological characteristics, symptoms and patients experiences related to outcomes in people with cancer and I-PE. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Mar 18, 2020
Publicly Available Date Feb 23, 2023
Keywords Medicine
Public URL
Additional Information Hull York Medical School, The University of Hull and The University of York
Award Date Jul 1, 2019


Thesis (3.1 Mb)

Copyright Statement
© 2019 Benelhaj,Naima E. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.

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