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Investigation of graphene oxide-based composite material strategies as possible candidates for leading edge erosion protection of offshore wind turbines

Glanville, Lloyd Benjamin Lee


Lloyd Benjamin Lee Glanville


Tommy S. Horozov

J. M. (James Michael) Gilbert


At present the current climate and energy crisis has highlighted the global need for more renewable energy generation. Offshore wind provides a reliable source of this green energy however the harsh environments these assets operate in result in frequent maintenance. The erosive force of rainfall inelastically colliding with the leading edge of the turbines causes the phenomenon, Leading Edge Erosion.
Graphene oxide an oxidised allotrope of the superlative two-dimensional material graphene could provide suitable candidates in the development of impact resistant polymer composite coatings using testing regimes such as nanoindentation and dynamic mechanical analysis. This Thesis comparatively investigates the candidacy of unmodified graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide polyurethane composites against a bioinspired modified graphene oxide polymer composites towards impact resistance and tensile loading.
The Thesis reports the novel facile synthesis of the quadruple hydrogen bonding array, ureidopyrimidone (UPy) onto the parent graphene oxide sheet (UPyGO), taking inspiration from the hydrogen bonding exploitation of spider silk. This novel filler is extensively characterised and comparatively analysed against the parent graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide to understand the differing properties. The reproducibility of the synthesis was tested and found a 6.20 ± 0.04% UPy functionalisation. The final chapter investigates the preparation of a complementary UPyGO-UPy-polyurethane composite and how it performs to the criterion needed for leading edge erosion protection. This work successfully reports that the addition of UPyGO into the polymer matrix and finds that the 0.033 wt.% UPyGO composite provided the best candidacy with decreases in the indentation stiffness of 77 ± 4%, and the indentation hardness decreased by 24 ± 0.4% which are key characteristics for erosion protection candidacy.


Glanville, L. B. L. Investigation of graphene oxide-based composite material strategies as possible candidates for leading edge erosion protection of offshore wind turbines. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Jul 29, 2022
Publicly Available Date Feb 24, 2023
Keywords Chemistry
Public URL
Additional Information Department of Chemistry, The University of Hull
Award Date Nov 1, 2021


Thesis (9.2 Mb)

Copyright Statement
© 2021 Glanville, Lloyd Benjamin Lee. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.

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